Chapter Eleven

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Yesterday was the best day of my life. I found my soulmate. With one look, we understand all the things we don't say with words. I can't picture my life without him. In all possible futures, I see his blue smiling eyes looking at me.

But truth is, I'm afraid this will end. I'm afraid when I'll go to school today, he will ignore me or act as if nothing happened yesterday.

But deep down, I believe him, I believe what he said about being in love with me, about loving me.

I only slept during the night because I knew I will see him in my best dreams.

He lives in my thoughts day and night. But how can I know if I am living in his?

"Addison?" mom stops me while I'm walking through the living-room to leave for school.


"Why are you smiling that much?"

"Am I?"I laugh

Because I think of the best thing that has ever happened to me, mom.

"What's going on?" She asks

"Nothing, I'm just happy to have an incredible family", I reply as I hug her.

"I'm not sure it's about that but alright."

"Have a good day, mom."

"Have a nice day, sweetie, she smiles. Be safe."

"I'll be."

I could see this smile was a real one, I could see in mom's eyes all this worry had disappeared just when she saw me smiling. That thought automatically makes me think of Charlie. I can't imagine how he feels after learning that big of a secret. I mean, I can't picture how would I react if my parents had hidden something that big to me.

However, I leave the house happier than ever, just to remember all my worries about Charlie. But nothing can ruin my good mood.

As I walk towards the school, I see him sitting on a bench, alone.

I approach him from behind, putting my hands over his eyes.

He turns around:


"Hey", I answer as I sit next to him.

"Hey", he smiles as he turns off his phone. "How are you doing?"

"Fine and you?

"Actually, I have to speak to you."

He didn't answer to my question, I think. But his eyes full of worry and his face darkened by the absence of a smile make me ask:

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't move here, Addison."

"I don't understand. Yesterday you said..."

"My parents sent me here for a while but not definitely."

My smile disappears.

"So, you'll leave?"

"Maybe. I hope not but..."

"Why didn't you say something sooner?", I interrupt him, looking away from his face. I can't bear to see him with this look full of pain and just sit here and do what I do best: nothing.

Like always, all I can do is patiently wait for the end of my dream, and the next day, I'll wake up with a start and all of this will be gone.

"I didn't want to hurt you, he says. I was wrong not to tell you. I just... I was afraid you will..."

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