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Zions eyes lifted to mine eliciting electricity to run through me. "I just want you to know you're safe from him is all." I could tell that wasn't all. I broke eye contact and looked straight in front of me, zoning out in thought about what he could possibly mean.

He cleared his throat in attempt to fill the silence, "Look at me, Cass." He leaned forward onto his knees and stared into me, his sharp jawline tightened. I hadn't thought much about how attractive Zion was since we first met. A chill ran down my spine as the thought of how his soft lips would feel against mine entered my head.
I peered up at him through my lashes. His eyes bore into mine.

"Please promise that no matter how much you hate me, that you'll always know that you're safe with me." I couldn't figure out why Zion would want to protect me. He doesn't know me. I found myself wondering if maybe we had known each other before and I didn't remember. But that didn't make any sense.

A wave of grief hit me. Tears sprang into my eyes at his words. The thing was, I did feel safe with him. I just didn't know why. And I hated him for it.
"Please Zion." I whispered through tears. "Please just go away." An agonized expression entered his face. He looked defeated. As if he knew he couldn't win this fight with me. "Okay Cass." He stood to leave but paused for a moment to look back at me. I thought he was going to say something but something got the better of him and he turned and left me in silence.

My heart dropped. I felt nauseated at how the past week has left me. I felt so broken and lost. Everything had happened so quickly. Tears started pouring from my eyes again, but this time from rage. I didn't understand why this had to happen to me. I felt so fucking angry at myself for letting it get this far with Wyatt. For not telling anyone what he did to me for so long.

My body ached with exhaustion. I decided to sleep it off and wake up in the morning with a new attitude. I laid my head back down on the pillow and heard a soft crunch from the weight, I pulled the sheet up to my shoulders. They smelled so clean and comforting. I drifted into an unconscious state.

A boom! Echoed throughout the room as I was startled awake. I couldn't see anything for a moment as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Slowly, a masculine figure appeared in the room with me. "Wyatt?" I questioned to the shadow. No reply. His footsteps were heavy as he came to the side of the bed and ripped my IVs out of my arm, causing my skin to burn all the way down.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed as I tried to fight him off to no avail. I started sobbing in fear. He violently scooped me up into his arms. I looked up, Wyatt's cold brown eyes bore into my soul.

I woke covered in sweat, shivering from the blasting AC unit in the corner of the room. I didn't know how to process my dream. Or how fucked up I actually was from what he did to me. My room was still dark as it was still nighttime in Seattle. I attempted to stand, my bruised head causing me to feel disoriented. I paced myself as I walked to the window pushing my IV stand with me.

I could see city lights all around. This was my favorite thing about the city. The lights made me feel so alive. A cold feeling emanated off the glass and brushed my face. I wondered what Zion was doing right now. Was he with his girlfriend? Why would I even care? I knew I cared though. I just didn't quite understand why.

I turned and stepped back into bed, allowing myself to float back into a dreamy state.

Three weeks later, when my brain had healed and I was cleared to leave, I was relieved to be back at school

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Three weeks later, when my brain had healed and I was cleared to leave, I was relieved to be back at school. In the time that I was in the hospital, I arranged to have a dorm prepared for me. It was hard, as it's the middle of the school year, but it worked out. I had yet to meet my new roommate but as soon as I laid eyes on her I knew we'd get along just fine.

"Oh my God! You must be Cass!" She pulled me in a tight hug. "I'm Lisette but you can call me Lisey." She warmly smiled at me. Lisette's fiery, red hair was curled, neatly framing her face.

Her face offered a comforting "kind soul" appearance.

"It's so nice to meet you!" I returned her smile.
"I cant wait to introduce you to my friends they're gonna love you!" Her bubbly voice squealed in excitement. "Is this my side?" I pointed to the right side of the room and set my heavy box down, relieving my now sore arm. "Oh! Yes i'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She motioned to my bed.

Along her side of the room beautiful drawings plastered the wall. I stepped closer to study them. Sketches of half naked women posing for the artist. Others were of the ocean at sunset.
"Did you draw those?" I stared in awe.
Lisette's cheeks adopted a rosy color, "Yes, i'm an art major." She replied shyly.

"You're so talented!" I had never seen such intricate detail. Each of them must have taken days to complete. "Thank you! Maybe one day I can draw something for you." She offered sweetly. I had just met the girl and already I knew she was the sweetest person i've ever seen.

Later that night after I had brought all of my belongings into the dorm, Lisey invited me to join her and her friends at a local bar. Since my body ached from all of the exercise and I was basically falling asleep standing up, I politely declined. Plus, I didn't have a fake ID so I didn't see the point.

When I was done unpacking my necessities, I pulled my laptop from my bag and turned it on to watch a movie. As soon as I snuggled into my neatly made, warm bed my phone dinged beside me. I sat up and unlocked it. It was a text from an unknown number.
I gasped at the sight in front of me. It was a close shot of Zion and Katia. Yet another strange photo.

By the angry look on both of their faces it appeared they were in a tense argument. It was taken in the same bathroom Katia was found in. I quickly shut off my phone and attempted to control my ragged breathing. My hands began to shake as I thought about what I had just seen. Now I understood why Zion was so weird about the situation. He was worried i'd find out they had argued before she was murdered and tell the detective.

So was the "you're safe with me" talk all real or just an attempt to weasel his way into my life? I didn't know what to think. I knew that I wasn't prepared for whatever was to come though.

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