𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸

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It's like when I go to parties my brain automatically shuts off. My heart starts racing. My hands get cold and clammy. Beads of sweat start to form along my hairline. Which is why I never partied in high school. Which consequently means that my alcohol tolerance is slim to none. So as a result of all this, i'm currently drunkenly dancing, half naked on a pool table to a Limp Bizkit song.

I could not name a single soul in the room with me right now. Katia disappeared five minutes into the party with a blonde frat boy leading her upstairs by her hand. After that things got fuzzy.

My head started to spin in the "i'm about to throw up" kinda way when I felt a large set of hands grip me by my waist and pull me off the table. I peered up to see Zion. I wanted to smack the egotistical smirk right off his face.
"I see you've found the alcohol." He taunted. "And I see you haven't changed much since our last conversation." I slurred.
His eyes filled with humor. "Come on Cass you need to go home."
"No! I cant." I couldn't risk Wyatt seeing me so drunk and frazzled. Zions eyes lifted in concern. "Why not, Princess?" I cringed.
No like I actually cringed. Men who call me "Princess" in such a mocking way suggesting i'm Prissy piss me off. I shook free of his hands that were still gripping my hips. "Ew. Don't ever call me that again." I crinkled my nose in disgust. Zion didn't seem to be taking a second of this conversation seriously. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. I'm just gonna find Katia and leave." His eyes narrowed and he forcibly gripped my hand, keeping me in place. "She's not here." His jaw tightened.

Confusion was written all over my face. What could he possibly know about Katia? Had they even met?
At the growing concern building in my belly, I shoved my way past him. There's something psychologically wrong with that guy. Like balls to the walls insane.

As soon as I found a bathroom and locked myself inside, I fished my phone out of my pocket. Shit. It's dead. Of fucking course it's dead. I let out a frustrated sigh and decided i'd find Katia the old fashioned way.

As I crept up the stairs an eerie feeling sank into my gut. From what I could tell there was no one up there. All I could hear was the sound of drunk college kids downstairs, and the thumping bass of a 2000's rap song. It was pitch black in every corner except for a lone nightlight in the hallway.

I made my way up the wooden steps and stood in the middle of several rooms on either side of me. Every door was shut, except one. I glanced over my shoulder to see if anyone followed me up here. The last thing I need in this creepy ass house is for a drunk teenager to follow me up here and harass me.

I started stepping slowly towards the open door. From the eerie glow of the nightlight I could see a mirror plastered on the wall. It looked to be a bathroom. As the room grew closer and closer my breathing became more rapid.

"Katia?" I croaked. Complete silence answered. Suddenly my legs slipped out from under me and my elbows thudded as they hit the ground in an attempt to catch myself. My nerves tingled all the way up to my shoulders as I winced in pain.

I could already feel something wet soaking through my dress and squishing under my thighs. I rolled my eyes. Some drunk idiot must have spilled their drink. Then, I looked down and froze. Is that.. "blood!" I squeaked. I attempted to get up but only slipped right back into it. My hair was now soaked. My hands kept sliding as I crawled my way to the top of the stairs.

As if he was an angel sent from Hell, Zion spotted me from the kitchen and raced up the stairs, concerning a few neighboring people. "Cass! What the hell is all over you?" He gripped me by the tops of my arms and pulled me to my feet. My mind started racing as I tried to put the sequence of events together. He pulled me into his chest and I started uncontrollably sobbing. It was warm. The blood saturating my dress was still warm.

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