Monday Blues

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Monday morning is ominous, not because it's a Monday. Maybe a little bit. Who wants to go back to work after a nice weekend, sometimes I want to pack up my things and move back in with Mom and Dad. I would not have to get up at five, cook, clean or get Bee ready for school.

Adulting sucks.

"Morning." A groggy Lan drawls out as he makes his way to the coffee.

"It's spiked." "Isn't it a little early to get shitfaced?"

I raise my head from the cool marble counter and flip him off.

"Don't start with me, it's only five and I don't feel like being an adult, so I have thirty minutes before I have to step back into big girl panties. Let me be a waste of space till then."

He chuckles and steals some of my spiked elixir of adult life. He gets his annoying ass comfortable on the barstool next to mine and sips way too loudly for comfort.

"Lemme guess, It's your periods?"

"No jackass, not everything is about lady red. Do I need a reason to not want to be an adult today. You hardly act your age any day."

"Because I am the little brother, so I get to stay as a child forever."

I make a guttural sound and lay my head sideways on the counter so that I face him, the cold stone feels amazing against my hot head. I feel lethargic, don't want to get up, seriously don't want to be an adult today.

"Come on finish up your coffee, it'll make you half human at least, if you still feel zombie like, I'll call Janine and tell her you are taking the day off."

I peel myself away from my chair and walk around the island counter in circles. After fifteen minutes the booze finally kicks in and things don't seem half as gloomy. I like being a little tipsy on a yucky morning.

"Dad is bringing that stupid investor to the office, he sent me their proposal around eight yesterday and I had to stay up till one to finish reading it." I moan about the predicament my father has put me into, and why does adulting feels so shitty today of all days. He's still treating me like a child, and I feel useless because it's not half bad a proposal. I hate that I still need my dad to swoop in and save my ass.

"So that's the stick that's up your backside today, or more like the file."

I smack his head for running his mouth unnecessarily. It seems to get me a much-needed energy boost, so I do it again and then I outright start punching his shoulder as he moans and complains. I am stopped halfway through punch therapy when he manages to restrain my hands.

"Dude not fair, I didn't do anything to deserve that."

"I am the older one, so you by default are my punching bag for life, I'll beat you into you 90's, kid." I smirk getting back at him for claiming the 'forever child' privileges. I'll smack the kid right out of him. It's annoying how he annoys me sometimes. Baby brothers! Sometimes I want to squeeze him to death for how lovable he is, other times I want to juice his head to pulp because of how annoying he is.

He grumbles something and earns another smack from me. This time he punches me back, "Asshole I am telling mom you hit me." I whisper shout, don't need my other kid waking up early. One grumbly kid is all I can handle so early in the day.

"What the actual F**k! You hit me first." He tries to smack me again but he's too slow.

We race around the apartment trying to beat the shit out of each other, all the pillows turned into canons, by 5.30 we are sprawled on the couch, huffing, panting and laughing. I like him living here, he kicks the funk out of me so easily.

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