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Sung Jin-Woo/ Asiel's POV

   Years have already been passed since I was born as Asiel Blue Glayder, the precious little omega of the family. Really, how embarrassing it is for me to become a weak and fragile omega in this world when I am the strongest in Earth, where is the justice in here, sigh.

  Just as I said, 7 years quickly passed without me noticing, although I am thankful that I am done being in prison on my baby body who can't even change his diaper. That is the most embarrassing thing that happened to me, I'm just glad that I still have my shadow who makes sure that I am still sane in those past years.

  I learn so many things while I am here, first I am in Dicathen Continent that is divided into three kingdoms. The Elven Kingdom in the vast forest- Elenoir, the Dwarves Kingdom in the vast underground - Darv and lastly the Sapin where the human lives like me.

  Unlike my past life who is expected to be strong and ready to protect the Earth, I am the one who is being protected, what a silly thing. Who can protect me more than the loyal shadow of mine who is always with me. Speaking of shadow, I'm glad that I got an opportunity to let tusk on my side but in a huggable size.

  I'm 5 that time when I got a chance to go out without someone following me, so let's just say that I found and got pity on my little poor shadow bear of mine and adopted it. Who will suspect that a fragile and weak male omega like me can lie, right?

Another change is, my parents are the king and queen of Sapin. King Blaine Glayder an alpha and Queen Priscilla Glayder an alpha in specific, I also have an older brother Prince Curtis Glayder who really adores me greatly although it is new to me but I got used to their affection , there is also my twin Princess Kathyln Glayder who is also an alpha like Curtis and my parents so it is still a mystery to me why I am the only omega in my family. A discrimination it is.

  "Asiel, are you done now?" Curtis said while leaning in my door.

  "Yeah" I said softly without even meaning it. One of the reasons why I find it irritating to be an omega, a fragile and weak body in addition that almost everything on me is shouting soft and beautiful.

  "You look beautiful as always" I rolled my eyes before yawning and stretching my arms.

  "I feel tired and sleepy brother" which is true. I hugged Tusk while following Curtis to join my parents and Kathyln.

  When they are together, they look like a perfect painting without flaws. A perfect family that I have now, I smiled slightly at them not even hiding my sleepiness because I know that they know me well for being a little bit lazy and always tired and sleepy no matter the situation.

When we joined them, Kathyln immediately hugged me so tightly that it almost choked me. I tapped her arm thrice to let her know that I was choking and she stopped hugging me. She didn't smile like Curtis but I can still see a small smile in that thin line of her lips. Don't care, I want to sleep in a carriage now but knowing that Curtis is very excited about the promise of father that he will buy a magical beast for him, it's impossible.

"Are you ready for the auction?" Father asked us that Curtis excitedly answered while we only nodded.

"Let's go now before Asiel sleeps here" he joked that made them laugh knowing it is true.

I want to be offended but sometimes it's true so I can't really deny it, hmp. Father escorted mother first before he helped me get in the carriage. It's always like that, he escorted mother first, then me next is Kathyln while Curtis doesn't need help in getting in the carriage and lastly him.

One thing that I founded when I was here is I get easily tired for some reason. Maybe because Tusk never leaves my side so he consumes some of my mana or something. A child body can't store a lot of mana that my previous self has so I guess my mana can't even compare to a huge mana of Sung Jin-Woo.

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