My Final Thoughts

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Thank you to those who stuck around, read, commented, and voted on the story. I appreciate it. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the ending to this but I think I did well enough to write the wedding bit. I'mma be real though, I dreaded writing it since it wasn't my forte but I got it done and put everything I had into it because I really didn't want the end to crash and burn. At least not too badly. But seriously, I couldn't wait to finish the story because I have ideas for a second part. As much as it kills me leaving off on such a happy note, I must continue the Branch angst.

Follow me to stay tuned for Part 2 of Broppy: Baby on Board.

Might call it something else though. I'll let you know.

BTW, here is a song that I like listening to.

Broppy: Baby On BoardWhere stories live. Discover now