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This is to honor my spot as a very well trusted friend and I'm in a good mood RN so yea


Naomi-"gotta pee!!!"

Y-"I wasn't even in the bathroom"


She jumped on her Naomi ran upstairs to the bathroom

Jas-"ur jumping on yn without me"

Y-"no no no- ugh my back"

They laughed and got down

Chloe-"I'm hungry"

She dragged jasmine and yn in the kitchen

Jas-"why bring both of us"

Chloe-"because u do better when u tag team my meals"

Y-"u know how to cook"

Chloe-"yah but I don't want to"

Jas-"and u think we do"

Lola-"code blue!"

They groaned

Lani-"can I kick her'

Y-"no u can't kick her he nice"

They went in the living room

Y-"u said blue"

She said looking at Zay aka her crush then at Lola's Lola smiled

Y-"why are u smiling"

Lola-"he needs love he is mentally and emotionally broken and I told him that u have a motherly type love"

He smiled at her making her smile

Y-"this is weird"

Lola-"and his brother is here"

Y-*gasp my baby!

He smiled and hugged her

Y-"I missed u"

Zay-"wow I don't get missed"

Y-"no u don't"

Zay-"that's disrespectful"

Zion-"I'm just the favorite"

Zay-"shut up'

Naomi threw her shoe at him he rolled out the chair they laughed

Naomi-"don't talk to him like that now give me my shoe'

Zay-"after u threw it at me no no I'm not going to give u your shoe I'm giving it to my dog"

Zion snatched her shoe from him and gave it to Naomi

Naomi-"thank u"



Y-"what Chloe"

Chloe-"feed me!"

They laughed

Y-"u can cook mama"

Chloe-*whines I want u to cook it

She grabbed her arm and whined more

Y-"ok pumpkin I'll feed u"

She caressed her cheek and kissed her nose

Y-"what u wanna eat"

Chloe-"fren fries and I want grilled cheese"

Y-"ok u want juice"

Chloe-"apple juice"

Y-"ok go sit down mama"

Chloe-"Otay can I have a snack while I wait"

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now