better than me

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Y-"actually u do have a replacement if u leave"


Y-"yeah we were never official either I hope u know that"

Jay-"yes we-"

Y-"no we weren't...u never asked me anyway"

Jay-"what does he do for u that makes him better than me'

Y-"a lot.. u remember when I told u my car needed to be put in the shop...of course u don't doesn't matter because he fixed my car himself and I didn't have to pay him much"

Jay-"...what did u give him'

Y-"why is that important were not together'

Jay-*chuckles your cheating on me

Y-"u can't listen I said we're not together...from the first weeks we met I knew this was going to happen I know u would try some shit to control me-"

Her phone started ringing

Y-"perfect timing"

She answered


??-"hey peach u home"

Y-"yeah u can come in and bring a axe'

??-*chuckles why would I need that"

Y-"u remember that guy I told u about who was cocky and said he owned me"


Jay-'why does he know my name's

Y-"he has a good memory anyway I was telling him that he can't control me were not together and that he has a replacement"

??-"my timing is amazing is amazing isn't"

Y-"it is"

??-"what is with these boys and wanting to control woman"

Jay-"I am a man"

??-"am I allowed in"

Y-"yes come in"

She walked to the door as he came in yn smiled

Y-"hi zay zay'

He smiled

Zay-"hey peach"

He grabbed her jaw and kissed her nose the jay pushed him

Jay-"don't touch my girl"

Y-"I'm not yours"

Zay-"that's a woman"

Jay-"she's pathetic and immature"

Yn looked in his eyes

Y-"were u not just crying over the fact I said we weren't together"

Jay-"I wasn't crying-'

Zay-"anyways hey peach

She smiled and giggled a little making him smile

Zay-"go put some clothes on we bout to leave'

Y-"where we goin"

Zay-"what I tell u bout being nosy"

He tickled her she giggled and swatted his hands then went to go upstairs jay grabbed her yn drew back and punched him in his nose making him let go

Zay-"damn mamas"

Y-"get out!'

He looked at the blood from his nose on his hands

Zay-"u heard her bye"

He groaned and walked out zay looked at yn her lip quivered he pulled her in his chest and kissed her head she sniffled

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now