Sad news

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Adam’s POV

Paris could be the city of love and shit, but it was damn right annoying when it came to its restaurants. There was always a ridiculously long queue in there waiting for shit to happen.

I had stepped out almost an hour ago to get us Breakfast. To get Eve breakfast. She had been asleep then. Her cute button nose moving as she let snuffles. I had held her in my arms all night and aside from a few  movements here and there, she had almost remained perfectly still.

My pet. I would have preferred to remain contentedly by her side if I hadn’t gotten a call. It had taken a lot of pain to leave her side to get and I really wouldn’t have if the call wasn’t important. It had been a call from one of my representatives in France.

The business venture I had worked on, the major reason why I came to Paris, had gone through successfully. Fucking amazing. My work here was done.

That made feel fucking bittersweet. I had just met a woman who drove me damned crazy and made me feel like some depraved school boy. I wanted her with a lust I hadn't thought I could possess and I didn’t know shit about her. It was maddening.

But she had been so fucking pliant all through the night. How the hell was a man not supposed to feel damned good about that? A woman that was ready to follow through with my orders, that made the naughtiest sounds I had ever heard and made me feel like I was in top of the fucking world! Fuck yes! I didn’t want to leave France yet. Hell not soon. Not when I had found her.

So I had hopped on the street, walked to the nearest diner to order some food and met a queue long enough to drive a man out of his fucking senses.

If I wasn’t out of it already. What was I thinking walking to get breakfast myself? I could have just called Jean or something and made his ass go through all that fucking  stress.

But then the thought of Eve eating something held by Jean or any other man irked the shit out of me and I canceled on the damned idea. I would get her what she needed. I was man enough to do that for my woman.

For her.

Fuck, she made me do things, I had never expected I could do. Fucking look at me. Getting breakfast by myself, thinking about her all the damn time. Hell, I ought to find and arrest the man who barged into my club the other night but I hadn’t because I thought that would hurt her, somehow.

Even when I closed my eyes, I could always see that haunted look in her eyes that night. I had a lot of questions about that night, I still do, but they could all wait till after breakfast.

I pushed the door to our room open, making sure the brown paper bag containing our food didn’t tilt to the side. The last thing I wanted was the syrup pouring all over the pancakes. It would get all soggy and Eve would not like that. My eyes fell on the empty bed and I stopped in  my tracks.

“Eve?” I called, closing the door behind me. “Eve?”

She was gone.

She was not in the bathroom. She was nowhere.

I noticed a piece of paper on the bedside table that wasn’t there before I left and walked briskly towards it to retrieve it.

“Hi, Golden,’ The note read. ‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait. Last night was amazing. Best night I have had in a long time. Thank you. It was fun while it lasted,’

She really was gone. Fuck. I turned the note around to see if she left me something else. Any way of contacting her afterwards. Nothing. There was nothing else. I had found the perfect woman and she slipped right through my fucking fingers.

Letting out a low growl, I stashed the note in my pocket, tossed the packaged pancakes on the bedside drawer and made to sit down on the bed. I had to find her. Fuck, What we had… what we had couldn’t just fizzle out like that. Why did she leave? I had so much planned for us both this morning. What was she constantly running from?!

My hands flew up to my hair, dragging through it. There were so many… oddities around her. I had so many damn questions. Who was that man that came for her in my club?

Why did it take her two days for her to contact me? What was that bruise I had seen? Where did she get it? It didn’t seem like nothing especially since she had tried to cover it up with makeup.

“Fuck,” I swore, trying to keep my damned emotions under control. She was just a woman. Just a woman however fucking perfect for me she may be.

Something sparkling in the sunlight on the carpet caught my eyes and I frowned. Picking it up, I realized it was an earring. A diamond stud.

They suited a dainty woman like her. If she hadn’t waited to find her earrings then that meant she had been in a hurry. To go where? To do what? I couldn't stop the damned questions that rolled in my head one after another.

I wanted her. Hell every fucking cell in my body felt like they needed her. I wanted to have her, possess her. The next time I saw her, If I ever did, I’d tie her to a fucking bed and makes sure she never leaves.

Calm the fuck down Adam, my mind chastened and I groaned. I was probably overreacting. In a few days she would forget all about me and I should fucking do the same right?

“I don’t fucking want to,” I hissed through my teeth, glaring at the shelves on the wall. Fuck she had been just right. Pliant, eager and fucking needy. Exactly how I wanted a woman to be.

Fuck, there was so much I wanted to do to her. So many fucking naughty things I badly wanted to teach her. I wanted to see those innocent blue eyes rolling in their socket while I played with her pussy.

I wanted to see those full, pretty lips wrapped around my cock. To hear and feel her moan around it so fucking sexily.

Oh she would take it so good. So fucking good. Her throat gulping every fucking drop from my cock. Hot damn. With a wistful sigh, I walked to the shelf, found a small box and kept her earring in it.

My phone vibrated in my pockets and I whipped it out quickly, partly hoping it was Eve calling. The name I saw on the screen made my forehead crease in a frown.

“Anabelle?” I said after picking the call.

My sister’s frantic voice reached my ears.

“Adam! Adam, you have to get your ass back home!”

My body stiffened and I stood straighter. “What? What is it?”

“I… Mom… Adam-“

“Calm down Anabelle. Take a deep breath,” I ordered and heard her inhale and exhale. “Good?”

“Yeah,” She said in a tearful voice.

“Good. Now tell me what happened,”

“It’s Mom,” She sniffed, teary faced. “Mom had a heart attack!”

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