Outsmarting her monstrous husband

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Eve’s POV
I had never detested Tom so much in my entire life.

How could he lock me up while he went around cheating on me? He must have predicted that I would try to leave tonight. Well it was either that or he was taking precautions. Either way, I had to find a way out. I needed to see Golden, tonight!

My eyes trailed to the window. Should I jump off? No scratch that, Could I jump off? That was the question wasn’t it. Not only was I dressed in a whopping four inch heels and the shortest dress on the planet.

Our room was on the sixth floor or something. The ground floor looked so far down. I would definitely break something. And I would rather see the man of my dreams with all parts of my body, whole, hale and hearty.

I shook my head at the ridiculous thought and ran a hand through my hair. What the hell was I going to do? Golden would be waiting  for me. This was my one chance to live carefreely and of course my ‘dear’ husband had to block me from that as well.

I walked back to the bed and planted my butt on it, trying to think of a way out. There had to be one, right? Perhaps if I tried breaking off the handle with something heavy?

That would probably seal me in forever and when Tom hears about it, he’ll do worse than yell at me. I shuddered, rubbing my hands over my arms as I felt cold suddenly.

Maybe it was better if I gave up trying. Even if I eventually did succeed in leaving the hotel, what would happen when Tom discovered the tracker was gone and came back to find me gone? He may very well make sure I would never be able to walk again.

Tears blurred my vision. My fingers curled around the bedsheet, gripping it so hard until my knuckles whitened. No! A voice in my head yelled. How long will you let him hold you back?!

How long will you keep crying over him? I wiped my hands over my face rapidly, drying the tears that had slipped out. Crying would not solve shit. I had to find a way out of this damned prison!

My eyes fell on the land phone on the bedside stool. It was used to contact the hotel staff and. Bingo! I grinned, reaching for it and dialed the front help desk.

“Hello room 415. I am Rosetta, how may I be of service today?” A cheery voice laced with a thick French accent reached my ears and I sagged in relief.

“Hello…uhm… my husband, he has.. uhm… a bit of a memory problem,” I mumbled. “He’s off to a business meeting and must have forgotten I was in. I'm locked in, is there a way to get the door open?”

“Oui, there is,” Rosetta replied. “The… what's that English word again? Ah yes, handyman, the handy man will be up there shortly.”

I thanked Rosetta and ended the call. There was hope. I could still see him again tonight. My body hummed with excitement. I clasped my hands together trying to stop them from trembling.

The handy man came up in a few minutes and popped the door open. Without hesitation, I strutted right out the door, raced out of the hotel as fast as I could in the deathly heels I wore and hailed a cab.

After what seemed like the longest twenty minutes of my life, I stood before Red Satin, staring up at its bright sign hanging above it, hearing my heartbeat roar through my ears.

“You made it,” A very familiar voice, one that made my thighs squirm in desire, reached my ears and I glanced away from the sign, to see Golden standing outside the club. Had he been waiting for me?

He looked even more gorgeous than I remembered. His golden hair caught the bright street lights, causing the halo to form around his head.

I couldn’t see his gray eyes very clearly, but I could feel them on me, licking every inch of my skin with that intense look. He took a step towards me and I could swear that I fucking melted in excitement on the spot.

He was dressed in a  white shirt and gray pants. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up, bunching around his very muscular arms. I wanted them on me. I wanted all of him on me.

“I made it,” I repeated dumbly, barely breathing when he stopped mere inches away from me. His body heat warmed me, caressing my skin, stroking every inch of my body, making my cells come alive.

    His eyes darkened, watching my breasts rise and fall. He growled low in his throat, closing the rest of the distance between us. In a blink, his arms wrapped around my waist until I was flushed against him.

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