Liami (Chapter 9)

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I told everything to The rest of the agents and I told them not to tell Mr. Chan about this I told them I am off to Fujuya mountain they told they are also coming I told them to meet me on the way and the worst thing is Nina is also coming Eve told Nina everything about Milana and it is in krist heart so she also wanted to come I let her come because she was good at shooting but still Krist likes her and Eve also like her I hope this is not going to be a big mess

I was riding the car our ride was silent I was trying to speak to krist but he was silent all the time and if he talked he would give me rude replies then I finally asked him the thing I wanted to ask "Why are you angry on me? Don't you like agents?"
"No" he said
"Why!?" I asked I was very cerious why he doesn't like agents because we save the world and people, no one can hate agents
"That's non of your business" he replied to me rudely I felt broken like when he talked to me rudely I was very broken from the day he kissed me and he taught I am Nina so he kissed me
"Okay so forget that question, then tell me don't you like Nina" I said in a fustrated tone
He got little shock maybe he is thinking how I got to know
"How did you know that" he asked
"Well that day you were the person who drank to much alcohol and kissed me and told me I love you Nina" I Said
He felt little embraced
"Did I do that? I can't even remember I taught it was just a dream where I kissed Nina and I felt very good when I kissed her my heart felt warm" he Said
"Uh so now you are talking nicely" I said
"Well sorry for that day" he Said
"It's okay" I said
(Me in my mind: no it's not okay you made a mistake and you don't know how to solve it you made me hurt that kiss my first kiss from my crush but you didn't ment that kiss for me it hurts it hurts very much muff)
"Btw earlier why did you call me muff" he asked
"Well that means muffin short form muff, you are very kind and sweet like a muffin" I Said
"Well who told I am sweet" he stare at me and gave a smirk
"Well the day you kissed me your lips were very sweet" I teased him
So finally our fight was over but he told me he is still angry of me because I didn't told him anything about that I am an agent
"So you wanted to know why I hate agents, so it happen last year I know about this creatures from last year, I told you I am a only child but that is not true I had a brother 3 years older then me my brother worked in that Thailand agency group, on my birthday we were celebrating at home but suddenly my brother got a call they had a emergency he got to know that there are some creatures attacking they came from nowhere my brother rushed to help the people and to kill those creatures, then I waited whole day for my brother I wanted my birthday cake to be cut when he is home, my door knocked at 5 pm I opened the door in the hope that my brother had come but no! One man from the agency came and he told me that my brother is no more he is dead the creatures killed him, I got really broken when I heard my brother is dead he is the one who always supported me how does it feel to find a person gone when you love him very much, I lost my brother I was very angry with those creatures and also the agents till now they couldn't even kill those creatures" Krist said he started to cry I told him to calm down

"It's okay krist calm down we will kill those creatures soon" I said
Well if we loose someone that we love is very hard to be in that situation, every one have their favourite person in life which they cannot lose but sometimes it's on fate
In this world no one had come to stay even it is before your time or at your time we all have to die one day
There are many different things in this world which we don't know the world is big the universe is big
I hope not in this world but in some other world I want Krist to have trust in me and to love me

It was night we had more one day to reach to Fujuya mountain we taught to take a rest at the hotel
There was only single room available so we had to sleep in the same bed Krist told he will sleep on the ground I told him I will sleep we started to argue
"You know we have to keep Milana safe or else you will be not safe so sleep on the bed" I told him in a scary voice well he was afraid I laughed at him then he finally agreed
We slept and we were watching at the ceiling I asked Krist " so did u proposed Nina"
"Well No I am afraid to tell my feelings what if she have someone else in her life" krist said
"Ohh" I said
"But if I meet her I will tell her everything if she rejected me I will move on" Krist said
I told him okay and I told him to go to sleep he went to sleep but I was still awake suddenly drops started to come from my eyes I was crying yeah I cried :)

Next day

In the morning I saw rest of my agents also came and krist was shock to see Nina
Nina told him she knows everything only he didn't knew
Krist was shock then eve came closer to me and asked me
"Do they know eachother?"
"Well yes she is Krist childhood friend and the person Krist love" I said
She got shock I think she also got broken
"So does Nina know that he love him" she asked
"No" I said
"Ohh I think I should not try on her but it hurts" she said
We both were broken and we looked at them
Krist told her he is going with Nina I said okay so I went alone and Krist and Nina went with Eve
And max, Ben and win went together
I also told rest of the agents the whole story they also felt bad for me and Eve
I saw Eve was also crying
Well that's okay I think we should move on.
I was right we should not love someone who always leaves us in pain in our life there is also no fate in my life
Eve just pretend she is okay but I know she is very hurt from Inside she is a person who doesn't share her feelings to anyone like me

We all sat in our car and we were off to Fujuya mountain after some hours
It was lunch time we stayed at a hotel to have lunch together we all sat and we had our lunch then suddenly krist stood and he removed a flower and he faced towards Nina and said "Nina I know this is not the right time but I don't know if I will be alive or not but I love you"

Nina didn't said anything I was broken but he accepted krist flower and she gave a smile ohh so she accepted him I was broken verry broken I saw Eve she also looked broken then we had our lunch and we went towards our car

I saw win he sat with me I taught he will go to Nina what is happening then I saw Nina she sat with Eve well I ignored everything because now I don't have to think anything we started the car
After some hours it was 5pm in evening we finally reached to Fujuya mountain
We carried out weapons and everything and we climbed the mountain

We finally reached the top it looked so hunted the sky was purple and I can hear some screams of creatures it was very scary we taught to make a separate group and go there.....

To be continued.........

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