Liami (Chapter 1)

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"Are you sure is it going to work" we were shooting a electronic device which was running it came from one enime
"Yeah!!" Boom max finally destroyed that little piece of shit
"So where are other gone??" We both looked around
"Here we are" my rest of the 3 members came by running
"We destroyed all of them" eve said
"That's good" we made a High five
So Max, eve, Ben, win are my angent partners we are in the same group and I am the group leader

Max and Ben are American both are best friend from childhood, Age 19
Max is very kind and playful and crazy but Ben he is way more opposite then Max. Ben is not interested in anything likes crazy things he mind his own business. But the same thing about them is they are good at shooting

Eve she is from Japan, age 22
She is a romentic and kind girl she is good at fighting, she fights like Jacki Chan

Win is from Thailand, Age 18
He just joined the agency last year he is very crazy and funny person, if you are sad or not feeling well will just have to call win he will make our day good. He is good at hacking as you can say he is more good hacker then me

We were all done with our today work we taught to have a party together because our mission was finally completed
"Tonight at my place" I said to all of them
They said okay and we were off to our home
I took a ride to my place and I have a shower and took a rest
Well some agents also have to take rest and chill and use instagram
Well I don't know about the rest agent's if they use instgram but this agent use it and also group chat with my rest of the four agent friends, Well we are all young so we enjoying our life like normal people but there are some responsibility also as we are agents,
Suddenly a message pop on my phone it's from Win

Boss told us a new project and it is very important

Well what is that important project?

Well I don't know he told us and rest of the members to meet him tomorrow

Ohh okay, but rest of the members know about this?

I already informed them all

Okay, so I m going grab some snacks I m hungry ok bye

You know sometimes I think uh have a black hole in your stomach


Because you eat to much and you don't even get fat

Ya you are right

Well you enjoy your meal I'll get going bye


I switched off the phone and went to grab some snacks

At night
It was our party time they all came and we sat And we started drinking and talking
"So what time we are leaving tomorrow to meet our boss" I asked and drank one shot of alcohol
"Maybe 9:00 he called us at that time " win said
"Umm okay"

We were drinking and enjoying
"So Ben how is your girlfriend" Max asked him while teasing him
"It's non of your business" Ben said while rolling his eyes
"You are so rude Ben, I hate you" Max said
"Who Told that I love you, i also hate you" Ben said
Well I think Max was to drunk so he was talking foolish things
"I think someone is broken he needs a girlfriend" Eve said while teasing Max
We all laughed
"Eve you are single you can be my girlfriend" Max said while looking at Eve
"No way! I am not interested in you" Eve ignored him and she started to drink
"Uhhh is there any girl who will fall for this lovely handsome boy" Max said it loud and he was sitting on the chair and that chair bended and he fall from the chair I think he is very drunk maybe he had a breakup with her girlfriend well it's good I also didn't like that girl she was using Max.
They all carry Max inside the house.
Love can do anything in this world! did Max loved her truly if he did he must be so much broken I think we should not love someone more if that person has to end us in pain.

"I hate her girlfriend from the start" Ben said while he came walking out of the house and sat on the chair
Later win and Eve also came
"So guys let's end up here for the night let's meet tomorrow at 9:00 at boss office" Eve said
She stood and she walked away, win also went with Eve because win have to go home alone he had came with max but Max was full drunk Ben is taking Max with him as max is full drunk.
They all went and I was alone at home I cleaned up all the mess and I went to sleep

Next day
We all went at the boss office, boss was already there
"Hey agents, Good morning" boss said
"Good morning boss" we all said and we had our seat
So I want to tell you there is a very important mission for you all and the manager of Thailand agency want's to talk to you
Let me just make a call
On the big screen the Thailand angency maneger appeared "good morning Mr. Happer (boss name)" the manager said
"Good morning Mr. Chen (maneger name)" boss said
"Good morning agent's" Mr. Chen said
"Good morning Mr. Chen" we all said
Mr Chan started speaking " As you agents know maybe Mr. Happer must told you everything but our Thailand is in danger. There are some alien type creatures came in Thailand our scientists had study something and they told that the aliens are here in search of some things it is their important thing and someone stole it so I need you all agents to come to Thailand to help us because you all are the best and good agent's and also strong"

"Well Mr. Chen what is that thing the aliens lost" I asked
"Well we don't know about that till now. But someone from our world got there and stole their precious things, we have to find that person who stole it and also keep safe our Thailand people" Mr. Chen said
"Okay so when we have to come" Ben asked
"Tomorrow. We booked all your ticket and arrangements and I hope u might need a guide?" Mr Chen said
"No it's Okay we already have one agent from Thailand that is win he knows everything about Thailand" Eve said
"Well that's great, ahh and I Also booked a house for ur'll" Mr. Chen said
"Okay" we all said
"Ok agents I get going I have more work about those creatures" Mr. Chen said 
"Okay Mr. Chen bye" we all said
Mr. Chen kept the phone
"Agent's best of luck for you Trip in Thailand, and don't forget to send me photos" Mr. Happer said
"Okay so we'll get going to pack our bags" I said
We all came out of our building and we all said "THAILAND HERE WE COME"


To be continued..........

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