Chap 10: Got extra coats?

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Mr Walker is in charge of today's detention and by his expression I can tell he doesn't want to be here. Well he's not alone because non of us wants to be here.

"No side talks, No sleeping.. bring out a book and look into it", he says and everyone groans apart from the chubby girl though. Uh that's me in case you suddenly forgot.

I bring out a book from my bag then place it on my table. It's a chem book so I don't actually have to read it just look into it like he said.

"I see only one student has a book on their table", He says looking around the whole class. I join him then realize that I'm truly the only one with a book in here, hell with a bag even. Did I come over prepared?.

"C'mon what are you waiting for?, Borrow a book from her", he says and everyone turns to me. I gulp looking forward at the white board. My leg bops up and down waiting anxiously for their arrival.

Seats move back scraping the floor and the sound of feet movement crawls into my ears. Five bodies surround me and their shadows fall on my table due to the sun rays seeping out of the window.

I look up at everyone, their eyes seems demanding like they wanted to snatch my bag away and strip it of all it's contents.

"Abby", Noah's voice snaps me out of my reverie and my eyes focus on him instead of the eyes taunting me. "Got any book for us?", He asks and so I look into my bag.

I pick out three note books and a text book which I was planning to take home so I can get my assignments done. I hand Noah the text book because it's more important than the note books. He takes it with a smile registered at me. I return it with a small smile then give the emo girl one then the buzz cut boy before handing the last one to a jock. I look up at the last person then back at my school bag. I had just my sketch book left.

I look back up at the jock. "I'm sorry that was the last one", I say and he nods about to leave but stops then peers into my bag.

"What about this one?", He asks picking out the sketch book. My eyes widen at the movement. I try to grab it but he moves it further away from my reach.

"That's not a book", I say and fear engulfs me when I see the rest of the detention members turning to see what was happening. Mr Warren isn't really concerned about what's going on as he's deeply invested in the book he's reading.

The guy holding a sketch book opens it and I watch as people start peering in to see what was inside. My heart skips a beat and I feel my insides clench when Noah look at it as well.

"Isn't this you?", The guy asks and buzz cut boy looks into the book more closely. He looks at me.

"Kinda cool", we turn to the emo girl who's also looking at the sketch.

"Yeah", the jock holding the sketch book says then turns to the buzz cut boy and although he would have thought he actually whispered everyone heard him, "I think she has a crush on you".

I managed to get the book back from the guy, letting out a sigh. I'm so glad they didn't go further into the book.

"What's the ruckus for? To your seat if you have a book", Mr Warren says like he was just realizing how rowdy the class was.

Everyone retreats to their seats and I put my sketch book back in my bag.

"Where's your book?", Mr Warren asks walking up to my table so I look back to see who he's talking to. I notice everyone's eyes are on me so I look forward to see Mr Warren looking right at me.

"I'm talking to you", he makes it clear and I realize I'm bookless- well if that's a word.

If I'm correct and not crazy I'm sure I had six books on me, four of which I gave out, one of which was in my possession to look at and then the sketch book which wasn't meant to be given out.

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