Chap 9 : He's a secret

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The sound of the whistle comes loud and clear. There's no mistaking it. Bodies not as sweaty as mine push past me running forward to complete their laps while I stand still. I'm too scared to move or maybe I'm just not in the mood to run.. mind you I'm never in the mood.

"Abby and Noah I'm sure you both heard the whistle", Coach says and my brows crunch up. Did he just say Noah?.

I look behind me to see Noah with a straight face. "Hi, didn't know you were here too", he says and I sigh. He never listens does he?.

"You think you can do it now?", He asks coming to stand by my side. I look up at him then turn to look at the track then back at him. I nod and he gestures for me to go first.

"Princesses first", he says and I smile moving forward. "It's okay Abby, I'm here no matter what", he says after a while of me just standing and not moving.

I turn back to say thank you but coach has other plans as he blows his whistle at us.

"Get a move on it", he yells and I actually flinch. Noah doesn't seem to be bothered as he simply looks back at me with a smile.

"Whenever you're ready", he calmly says and I nod.

I look forward once more but this time with the intention of actually running. You can do this Abby. Just forget about all the times you've passed out on this track and was revived by water and the laughter of the whole class or the times where you threw up and got laughed at. The times where you couldn't finish the lap and just got an F for it. Forget about all of it and focus on now.

I start and so does Noah. "Don't go too fast. You're gonna get tired quickly", he tells me so I reduce my pace.

The whole class which had already started a long time ago were now coming back. The crowd separates Noah and I as I find myself going to the last track while he two tracks away. I'm too slow to keep up with everyone so it's just like I'm getting in their way. I try to slow down so the crowd can surpass me but I don't get the chance to. A hand pushes me from behind and I find myself falling to the ground.

If I were on a skateboard, you'll totally believe the way I'm sliding through the track. It's almost like there's grease on it.. okay maybe it's just my sweat making the track slippery cause I'm really sweaty.

I guess everyone's too busy trying to finish their lap that only a few people laugh as they run by. I try to get up but I fail too. I'm too weak. My legs and arms hurt. I put my face down in defeat. This is why I hate P.E, it never works.

"Hey", I hear so I put my head up to see a pair of white sneakers in front of me. I trail them up to the owners to see Noah.

"How bout we sit down?", He asks and I nod. Noah grabs both of my arms and helps me up to a sitting position. I move out of the track so I'm sitting on the grass. He comes down to sit next to me.

"And what's wrong with you two?", Coach Peterson asks walking quickly down the track to meet us on the grass. Some people were running to finish the lap now.

"My heart's rate is too high and she's got a bruise on her arm", Noah casually explains to him and I'm looking down at myself for any bruise. I unfortunately find one on my elbow. Guess he found out before I did. Weird because I'm the owner of my body.

Coach takes a good look at us before saying,"Never knew you had heart rate issues..", he trails writing down something, probably a permit, on his clipboard. "But you, I knew you had problems since the year started", he says directly at me then hands us each a permit. We take it.


When we get to the nurse's office, Noah puts his permit into his pocket then pushes me forward.

The nurse on duty looks up from her desk and to us with squinted eyes. "What seems to be the problem?", She asks pushing back her seat to come to us.

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