chapter 63

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Elsa was in her bedroom getting ready for bed. She had taken a shower and got into her night gown.

She was just about to get in bed and rest when suddenly the door was burst open violently. It made a loud bang when it hit the wall making Elsa jump in fear.

She looked at the door to see who was responsible. And a young man in a suit was standing there.

Elsa got nervous and her heart started beating very fast. Why was he in her room?

"Jeremy." She called out his name carefully.
"You're... Y-you're home."

Jeremy walked towards her and his steps made Elsa think he was drunk. He made his way to Elsa, who was standing by the edge of the bed.

He then pulled her by her arms bringing her close to him making their bodies touch.

Elsa looked at his eyes that was filled with anger. She immediately looked away. The smell of alcohol enveloped him.

"You just had to use such despicable means to get me to marry you, didn't you Gwen?" He threw those words out with anger. You climbed into my bed just to get me to be with you. Do you like me that much, huh?"

Elsa looked at him with pleading eyes."Jeremy, I am not-"

"You're not Gwen? Is that what you want to tell me?.. Or did you come up with a new lie?"

Elsa turned pale and she couldn't hold the eye contact any more.

She tried to get her arms back only for Jeremy to throw her on the bed very roughly.

Elsa started shaking as her stomach dropped in fear. She lifted her head and what she saw made her body go rigid.

Jeremy was getting rid of his coat, and then his tie.

'Does he... Does he want what I think he wants?'

Elsa only realized she was crawling backwards, and away from Jeremy, when her back hit the headboard. She looked behind then quickly turned to face Jeremy.

He started unbuttoning his shirt exposing his chest before throwing it on the floor. His dark eyes were on Elsa, carrying nothing but coldness and anger.

He then got in her bed grabbed Elsa's leg and pulled her under him.

"Wait Jeremy.... Please wait!" That was all she could come up with.

This was her husband, yes. But she hadn't once imagined having sex with him at all.

She did think he was handsome and was attracted to him. But he was so scary in her eyes.

"Isn't this what you wanted, Gwen? Aren't you the one who wanted to sleep with me so badly before?.. Now I'm just giving you what you have always wanted."

Elsa immediately started struggling and trying to get herself away from him. But, he pinned her on the bed with his body keeping her from moving.

He was all muscles, well built man. So she felt crushed under him.

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