chapter 10

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"Elsa.." Gwen calls to me as we see the sun slowly disappear from the western horizon.


"Let's make a deal..."

"A deal?"

"Yes.." She then pauses. "Whoever goes first, whether it's you or me, will spread the ashes of the other into the waters of April Sea."

I turn to her with a confused expression. Tears immediately start forming in my eyes. What does she mean whoever goes first? I am the one who is going to die soon, I probably won't make it to 30.

But she doesn't let me voice this and just continues with her request while looking into my eyes. "And then, the other will find someone to do it too, spread her ashes. That way, even in our death, we will still be together. Just swimming in our favorite place." She then turns head and her eyes go to the lake.

She looks at the waters only for a few seconds before she closes her eyes as tears roll down her face.

I watch her and my heart starts getting heavy all of a sudden. I reach out with trembling hands, and let fingers land softly on her face. I wipe those warm tears away. "Gwen, what are you saying?" I am afraid of her answer. Hell! I am terrified.

She reopens her eyes and looks at me. She gives me a sweet smile but I see her blue eyes are still teary. Tears she is trying to hold back.

"Angel, will you go with me tomorrow to a tattoo parlour?" She asks me this instead.

Well, gwen is very confusing today for some reason. Which I am very curious to know. "A tattoo parlour? Why?"

"I want us to get matching tattoos." She declares.

I shake my head at the mention of that. "Gwen.."

"I know.. I know.. You are a good girl and all... And I have always respected that. Adored that too..." She then holds my cheeks in her hands. "But angel, I wouldn't be asking you this if it wasn't something important to me."

I know she wouldn't. Even she doesn't have one. A fact that shocks me too. Because I would have expected her to have at least 3 by now.

"What do you want us to get a tattoo of?" I pray it's not something stupid because I will not agree to that.

"Just something significant to both us." She says lifting her shoulders and pouting a little.

Her words still doesn't say anything, give me anything to work with. I could say April Sea is the tattoo she wants because this place holds a lot of significance to us. It's a place where we feel safe.

"Which is?" I ask impatiently.

"The words, 'I just wanna live in this moment forever, cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better. I started giving up on the word forever, until you gave up heaven so we could be together. My angel'." She answers with dreamy eyes. Her smile is there, but it seems sad now.

Those were alot of words. That tattoo would hurt like the devil.

I narrow my eyes a little trying to remember where I heard those words before. And when i do, my eyes go wide. "Isn't that from-"

"Angel Baby? Yes. Our favorite song... Do you remember, angel?" She says giggling. And the tears she has been trying to hold back slip away and roll down her face.

"Well, because of you, I believe in angels." She adds caressing my cheek.


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