Chapter 7

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-Oh my god, I can't believe that he gave you his number like that!

We started jumping from excitement like hysterical fangirls seeing their idol for the first time, whereas Luke was confused about all what was going on.

-....he just gave you his number, there's nothing crazy about that.

-But Luke, look how he gave it to her, that's so original and so cute, and it means that he's interested in her! AAAHHH!!!


We eventually calmed down after a solid 5 minutes.

- Are you gonna text him now?

-No, are you crazy? He's gonna think that I'm obsessed with him!

-Yea you're so'll text him tonight!


-You girls are so weird...can we go get lunch now? I'm starving like crazy.

-Let's go.

When we arrived in the dining room , my dad and Zoë were already savoring their chicken wings. I had forgotten that I reacted pretty brutally yesterday when dad was yelling at me. I hope he forgot about that too.

-Hey kids, come take a seat.

Oh...he has probably forgotten too!

-Oh and Liz, we're gonna need to have a serious talk tonight.

Oh well...he didn't.


The afternoon was calm. Ell, Luke and I, we spent our time chilling, watching The Walking Dead, American Horror Story and Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. Chill day. In the evening, after diner, I left Ell and Luke alone a little bit and locked myself in my bedroom. I composed his phone number and sent him a message, after a long hesitation.

From: Me

To: Kai *-*

Hey, it's Liz...nice way to give me your number, I appreciate it :)

The response was almost immediate.

From: Kai *-*

To: Me

Hey cutie! Glad you liked it! How was your day?

And it was the beginning of a long conversation. Pretty basic one, I have to admit, but it was really nice. We had some time talking about intelligent stuff, like politics, or worldwide problems. I didn't think he was like that. I mean...I didn't know he had such a huge general knowledge, that he was interested in politics, that he had the healthiest lifestyle, like "I get up at 6am, I eat 5 fruits and vegetables everyday...", but I also knew that he could easily let go sometimes, occasionally, with parties and junk food.

From: Kai *-*

To: Me

Btw Liz...

From: Me

To: Kai *-*


typing...typing... what does he want to tell me? And why is it taking so long? This is stressing me out.

*knock knock*

-Can I come in? my dad was already in.

-You're not supposed to come in until I tell you to. I could've been changing clothes.

-You weren't supposed to come home after 10pm yesterday. He could've been some serial killer.

I rolled my eyes.

-Relax darling, I'm not mad. he said letting out a little laugh.


-Yea. I thought about it yesterday's normal for you to start hanging out with guys at your age, and I trust you. If I reacted like that, it's only because at the moment, I was a bit shocked to see you with a guy this late in the evening, I thought that something happened, you understand?

-Well I..

-Wait, I haven't finished..Actually, his parents invited us at their house for diner tomorrow, you, Zoë and I.

-You accepted?

-Of course! As if this kind of invitation could be turned down.


-Alright, I'm going to sleep now.

-Okay...shut the door when you leave!

*ding ding*

It was my phone...certainly Kai's message. Dad noticed the excitement in my face. He was about to leave but apparently, he wanted to know what was making me this happy, so he drew near to me to have a visual access to my phone's screen. I didn't really care that he was there, I was so happy to finally get this message. I unlocked it...I shouldn't have.

From: Kai *-*

To: Me

Oh babe you don't know how much I miss the taste of your lips right now. I hope the baby we made yesterday is going to have your sweet green eyes.

What the hell?!! I was so shocked that I almost forgot that dad was looking over my shoulder. A second message came immediately after.

From: Kai *-*

To: Me

Oh shit I'm so sorry, wrong conversation.

-That's it Liz, I swear if you approach this guy again...I don't know what I'll do to him. And so it's clear, tomorrow, we're only going because his parents seem to be nice people and I can't decline the invitation, but you're not going to stay too close to him.

He smashed the door behind me.

What did just happen?

Luke opened the door and asked:

-Is everything okay? Your dad seemed hopping mad!

I didn't know what to say. I looked at him with an empty look and an open mouth. My phone was still between my hands. Luke came to sit next to me and took my phone. He started reading the messages.

-Oh god...he gotta be kidding.

*ding ding*

From: Kai *-*

To: Me

Liz, are you mad or something? Why don't you respond? You know, what I said in this message wasn't meant for you, I wanted to send it to a friend because he didn't know what to say to his gf!

-Do you believe in what he's saying?

- I don't know Luke, I'm thinking about that green eyes girl we say earlier in the car, remember?

-Oh yeah...why don't you simply ask him?

-I can't do that.

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