Chapter 6

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                             is it going since the last time we saw each other, Liz? It's been a long time, don't you think?

-Not long enough for me. What do you want Nolan?

Just his voice was making me want to disappear.

-Haven't you missed me, cutie?

-Absolutely not.

-Yea of're saying that but I am sure that deep down you did. I'm sure that you dream about me every night.

Elena stood up for me.

-Fuck off Nolan, leave us alone now.

-Oh Liz's rebellious friend wants to fight, is that it?

-Shit! Nolan, get off or I'm gonna be the one to fight you, and believe me, you're not going to get out of here with all of your teeth. said Luke with a threatening tone, dangerously approaching this idiot.

-Guys please calm down.

I could feel the stress in the air, until one of Nolan's friends (who knew he could have friends??) shouted at him from far:

-Hey Nolan, get your ass up here, this volleyball game ain't gonna finish by itself!

-Yea dude, I'm coming! he said to his friend. He turned to Luke a last time (eventually): you're lucky dude. Liz, tell your friends that they shouldn't provoke me.

-Okay now just go away. Ell was really starting to lose all her patience.

Satan looked at us a last time before going back to his stupid volleyball game.

-Liz, how can you keep calm face to this jerk?

-I don't know Ell, I have no clue.

-I still wonder why you didn't tell us about all what he was doing to you this school year. I could've beaten a long time ago, before all of this goes too far.

-That's kind of you, Luke, but what happened happened.

-He's still a jerk though.

-Yep. sighed Luke and I in a perfect synchronization.

You are probably wondering who's Nolan, and he's done to me? Well...actually, during school, he was blackmailing me. He said that if I didn't do all what he told me, including doing all of his homework for him, he'd tell everyone that my mother was a slut who was prostituting in different pubs every night. All of this because one night he saw her getting out of a pub very early in the morning, slightly drunk. And...yea, nobody had to know about my mum's second life in pubs. Even if I know that all of this prostitution story is completely made least I hope so. He was taking advantage of me so much that one time, he tried to rape me. Sounds crazy right? It was in the school's basement, and I fortunately got saved by some friends who heard my screams at the last minute. He got expelled from school. I didn't take this story to court because I didn't want to have more problems that I already had. I was always depressed and didn't say anything to anyone, not even to my parents, Luke or Elena. I think that this is why they are worse than overprotective towards me.In a way, I'm thankful for that. When they know what happened, they couldn't believe it. Even though Nolan was known for being the popular jock who hooked up with every girl, my story was still unbelievable. But it didn't stop there! After getting expelled, he started harassing me with disgusting text messages, it came to a point where I couldn't even touch my phone anymore. And again, I didn't say anything and kept it all for myself. I was so dumb. Ell and Luke noticed that something was wrong and obligated me to tell them all what was going on. In summary, Nolan was the guy who made all my high school years, which were supposed to be the best years of my life, the worst. And of course, with the luck I have, we spend our summer in the same city and even better, in the same street! It's because of this kind of stuff that my life is completely depressing. The only good things that happen to me are "limited time", for exemple when I see my friends or when my pizza delivers home quite quickly (yes, those basics things.)

-Alright, girls, I think we should go back home.

* * *

-Liz, who's that guy over there in front of your house?

-Oh my god this is Kai!

Indeed, Kai was in front of the door, ringing the door bell.

-Go talk to him now! Otherwise, I'll push you over him.

-Oh no you wouldn't.

-You think so?

His look was telling me that I was wrong.

-Alright..come on guys, I'll introduce you to him.

We started walking towards him when he turned around to face us. He was so gorgeous.



He gave me a big hug. Elena and Luke were kind of shocked, they weren't expecting such physical contact. By the way they were looking at each other, I assumed that they were trying their hardest not to explode laughing.

-What are you doing there?

-Well yesterday, you forgot your skateboard in my car, so I thought I'd give it back to you.

-Oh thanks. I said grabbing my skateboard.

-No problem.

Another moment of silence...great.

-Hum hum...

Elena really wanted to get noticed by the way she was clearing her throat.

-...HUM HUM..

Why is she doing this? ..Oh.

-Um Kai, this is Elena, and this is Luke, I talked about them a lot yesterday, you remember?

-Oh yea, nice to meet you guys. Liz really didn't shut up about you two, she told me you were amazing. he shook their hands.

-Well she is right, we really are amazing, and we'll always be here to protect her okay?

-Yea, I understand. Chill dude, I'm not going to hurt her or anything like that, don't worry.

-Kai, do you want to come inside? I offered.

-Oh sorry, I can't, my friend is waiting for me and she's already waited a long time. I got to go now, see you guys soon!


Well..that was quick.

He was already going towards his car. I could see through his car window a girl with black hair, contrasting with her super pale skin. She was wearing plenty of big necklaces, giving her a total bling-bling look. Hey who's that? Ell and Luke had followed my glance.

-Wow...all of this doesn't sound good. Plus, she's really not that bad looking!

Elena gave him a nudge.

-Ouch! Babe, I was just kidding, you're the most beautiful girl out there. Come here.

He wrapped his arms around her and put his chin on the top of her head. It was adorable. They were the perfect couple in my eyes. Even though sometimes, I almost forget that they are actually a couple, because they always act like best friends, or siblings. I'd like to have a prince charming too..

-Liz, do you have they keys?

-Yep, hold on a second.

I put the skateboard on the ground, just behind me, and start to look for the keys in my bag.I couldn't find them. Without thinking, I stepped back in the hope of having some sun rays help me find the keys in my bag because it was too dark and I couldn't see anything otherwise. And of course...BOOM. I let out a small scream. Elena let go of Luke to come help me get up, while Luke tried to catch the skateboard that was still rolling. When he came back with the skateboard in his hands, I noticed a little piece of paper, taped under the skateboard's deck...



Thank you all so much for all the reads! Please keep voting and commenting telling me what you think about this story so far because I really need to know what you guys think about it and it really motivates me to keep on writing. So what do you think that piece of paper is? Comment!

You can also follow me on instagram : @ghitaach

Kisses xx

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