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Six months later

Gabriel's  Pov

The announcement from the overhead speakers was followed by two tiny but shrill shrieks that made me wink in pain.

We had just landed.

After six long months of running between two cities, where I never got to spend any quality time with any of my girls, I decided I'd had enough.

It's summer holidays again. The girls just turned five, and Nicola had come to celebrate their birthday, but had quickly run back home because she was swamped with work.

As usual, she had wanted to finish all her work before the summer holidays, since summertime was for the girls.

But this time it's going to be different. I am done having my girls scattered between cities, so we are moving here!

I bought our new house a month ago and handed it over to Nicola to decorate it. I wanted it to be to her liking. Because this would be her home soon.

So she has been double busy. She took the project to heart and decorated it with so much love. And I had loved coming here every weekend so I could do all the physical work she left for me each week.

It's exhausting, but so rewarding to see the excitement and happiness shine on her beautiful face when she sees the end result. So I make sure never to miss a single weekend.

We had quickly gathered up our luggage and were now on our way to start our new life in a new city, in our new home. Nicola was waiting for us, and from the sounds of excitement coming from the back seat, none of us could wait to see her.

As we pulled up in the driveway, the shrieks got so loud my ears were ringing. But I didn't mind because I was too busy watching the beautiful woman who had opened the front door and was now walking down the stairs to great us.

Emma, who had decided that she would continue working as their nanny, even if we had shifted to another city, was a blessing at that moment. She helped the girls out of their seats. They jumped out of the car and ran over to Nicola, greeting her by hugging her around her waist. She laughed as they had both attached themselves on her hips. She bent down to give each one a kiss on their head.

I slowly got out of the car, watching my little family. I had been right. Livy and Bella loved the idea that Nicola could one day, very soon, be their mom.

They don't understand it fully, but they are very happy that instead of their Nicky finding herself a prince charming of her own and moving away into a far away castle and having little prince and princesses of her own, they were going to be her little princesses and their daddy was her prince charming.

Hopefully. If all goes well tonight, I thought as I patted my pocket unconsciously, feeling the little box that was holding her engagement ring safe.

I froze, catching my breath as Nicola lifted her head to smile at me. The sight was mesmerizing. I watched as she started walking slowly towards me. Emma was taking the girls inside, so I was free to stare at my beautiful girlfriend as she took her time walking up to me. Her hips swayed as she walked, and I couldn't help trail my eyes down her sexy, shapely body. I knew she was enjoying watching me watch her from the mischievous look in her honey brown eyes.

She was wearing a short, sleeveless, yellow summer dress with a v neck, which was teasing me by showing me a tiny peek of the top of her creamy tanned breasts.

I watched her smile turn sly as she lifted one slender arm to swipe her wavy brown hair off one shoulder to reveal her long, slender neck and shoulders. I gulped. She knew the effect she had on me. And enjoyed watching me in torment. Even more so recently, I have noticed.

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