Chapter 40

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Gabriel's POV

It took a couple of rounds but finally I felt in a sharing mood.

"I miss her sooo much man, it hurts!. How could I miss her. I am a terrible person for missing her," I slurd.  "Do you know who I should be missing? My wife! The mother of my children! The love of my life!" I rattled on.

Maybe I am in a too sharing mood.

We were at a bar. Of all the places this is where Ryan wanted to come in the middle of the day. The place was deserted except for one guy at the far corner of the bar who looked as depressed as I felt.

"Is she though?" Came that irritating question from my dear old buddy Ryan.

"Why do people keep asking me that? Of cause she was the love of my life. I had been crushing on her forever. When I had finally had her, I was over the moon. And she had giving me the greatest blessings of my life. My girls. My beautiful, wonderful girls. How could I not love her!" I exclaimed.

"That's a very week argument. It has made things very clear for me though bud. Thanks man." He said after a moment of just sitting there with his chin in his hand thinking. He patted my back, which I shoved off.

"Your welcome. Glad you understand now." I told him. "Wait a minute! Weak argument?! How can you call it weak!"

"Because you couldn't prove that you were in love with her." He said with a shrug.

My jaw dropped. "After everything I said?" I spit out. " Are you mad?! What the hell do you call everything I said then?" I asked, glaring at him.


I stared at him shocked. What the hell! How dare he say that I didn't love my wife. I adored her! Why wouldn't I. She was beautiful, sexy, kind and most importantly, she loved me! Ryan doesn't know what he is talking about, I decided ,rolling my eyes at him.

"Look man I'm sure you loved her. You were married to a beautiful girl and she was a great wife to you. And she is the mother of your children.

These are enough reasons to love someone yes, but what I am saying is that you were never in love with her.

She wasn't the one who could make you laugh no matter how down you were. She is not the one you want when you are sad. She is not the one who can calm you down when you are angry.  And she is not the first person you want to call to share any news of your successes." He explained.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked in disbelief.  

"Am I lying? You tell me whom did you actually want by your side the day you won your very first contract and your father said he was proud of you. And the day you created your very own brand of car and launched it to the world, which had always been your  dream, that you had shared only with a certain someone,... everyone else was there but you didn't care. Why?"

I stared silently. What was he blabbering about? And how did he know all this?

"How?" Was all I asked, but he understood and grinned at me sheepishly.

"Uh, well... you kinda confessed all this after getting drunk that night of the inauguration." He replied making my eyes wide.

" What the hell!" I exclaimed. "How come you never said anything about it all these years?" I asked him.

"And ruin your marriage for you?" He asked quietly, "but now Sarah is gone and Nicola is the one who is here. I still wouldn't have told you if you hadn't started acting like a love sick puppy, but..." His voice faded away giving me a sidelong glance, making me glare at him. He raised his palms up, in surrender and we both fell into silence, deep in thought.

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