Chapter 6 project night

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"I hate Wednesdays. Do you like Wednesdays?" will asks chase while I'm sitting with the guys at the cafeteria.

Math just ended and i swear i was going to die.

It felt like years had passed until math was finally over

"Its a normal day like every fucking other day." Chase rolls his eyes at him.

"Ugh i know you would say that. Ava do you like Wednesdays?"

"Nope i hate them. And i hate Mondays." I point out.

"Omg same, Mondays sucks." Will states.

"Could you please stop talk about days." Kilian growls annoyed.

"And what did your roommates do again to get you in that mood?" Kai asks him.

"i didn't slept well because one was playing at his computer and always yelled when he lost a fucking round in Fortnite and the other one snorted lauder than a siren." kilian complaints tiredly.

I feel bad for him..

"Aww, poor Kilian." I hug him from the side since I'm sitting besides him.

"Why didn't you just punched them?" Chase shrugs.

"Violence is not a solution chase." I point out.

"I did punched them! They reported me to the principal." Kilian shrugs.

"You did what?"

"Trust me Ava. If you would see their faces you would've punched them too."

"I have an idea." I say as they just look confused at me.

"Just sneak your mattress out, towards our room and sleep at the floor?" I offer.

I'm so creative.

"We'll get kicked out for this." Kai states.

"As if i didn't sneaked out at night and slept in will's bedroom before Ava came. We didn't got caught so Avas idea isn't that bad" Killian shrugs.

"Fine but you sleep in will and Ave's bedroom." Kai points out as we all three nod.

I trust the guys and I'm feeling comfortable around them so i don't bother sleeping in one bedroom with two guys.

Well If you'll count will as a guy?

I see him more as a sister.

"Why weren't you at their room before i came anyway?" I question.

"We had another roommate but he moved back to his hometown so we wanted kilian to move but then you appeared." Chase explains and rolls his eyes at me.

"Which was the best thing that happened. No offense kil." Will says and i offer him a smile.

I love that guy.

Will is like a bestie. A soulmate you wouldn't trade for anything in this world.

"Oh by the way, we need to start the chemistry project." I remember, glancing at kilian and chase.

"Omg same i just remembered i need to talk to Kira about it." Will stands up.

"And emma." Kai says

"Huh?" Will questions confused.

"Emma is also in your group."

"Oh yeah right, i need to talk with Kira AND Emma about it. See you guys later." He stands up and walks away towards the table Emma, Kira and brooke are sitting.

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