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•[I Trust You]•

The next morning was tense. Y/N had been thinking about what Naoto had told her last night pertaining to his brother. She can't believe that all this time Sanzu was related to Takeomi.

"Are you alright baby, you haven't touched your breakfast and you look sick." Sanzu says, touching her forehead.

And how much they love to call her that damn word. She thought she had ran away from that word forever, but no, here's Sanzu.

"I'm fine, just tired."

Sanzu gave her a peck on the cheek and sighed. "Do you want some water?"

"That would be nice."

He smiles and got up from his seat. "You stay right here and wait for me okay?" Y/N's eyes reached his and she nodded with a faint smile.


Sanzu leant in and kissed her lips. He left the room and headed to the kitchen. Naoto gave her a glance and his features softened. She looks absolutely devastated.

She's got eyebags, her hair hasn't been fixed and she looks like she's been crying for hours.

"Hey, you okay?" Naoto whispers.

Y/N glanced at him and nodded. Naoto didn't believe it though. How could he when she looks like that?

"I know you're probably tired, and trust me I am too, but we can't do anything without Laney." He explains quietly and quickly.

"Just until next month." He informs.

Sanzu made his way back and Naoto tore his gaze away from her, looking at his hands. Sanzu took a seat next to Y/N and helped her drink the water.

"Careful." Sanzu brushed her cheek as she drank how much she wanted. Once done he set the cup down and grabbed a plate of food that Naoto prepared for them.

Sanzu didn't give him the satisfaction of feeding him though. "You could be feeling this way because you haven't eaten, here, eat some."

Sanzu picked up a waffle and brought it up to her lips. She stared at it, tears blurring her vision. She can't take this. It feels like she's going insane. Hearing that she has to stay here for an entire month was enough to break her.

A month more into Sanzu's hands? Only a few days have her this way and look how she is. She just wants everything to come to an end.

She should've never agreed to go to work that night. Better yet, she should've moved away when she had the chance. But here she is, a captive on of an insane serial killer that's got the hots for her.

Y/N leant opened her mouth as tears fell fell from her eyes. Sanzu frown upon noticing this and set the waffle down. Y/N dropped her head and sobbed.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I feel like I'm going insane." She sobs. Sanzu grins, forcing her to look at him.

"Really? And why is that?"

"I just...I want to go home."

Sanzu stared at her and wiped her tears. Naoto on the other hand was sitting in fear. Sanzu is an unpredictable man.

Y/N cried for about twenty minutes before she finally settled down. When she dead Sanzu gave her another peck on the lips. Y/N didn't know if he wanted her to kiss him back, but she did, afraid that he'd get angry.

Sanzu pulled her onto his lap, kissing her deeply. Naoto found it absolutely absurd that he'd do something like that after she just had a mental breakdown.

However, this is Sanzu Haruchiyo we're talking about. He doesn't care about anyone's feelings, not even his own.

"I would fill you with my seed until you look pregnant but...my baby is tired and she needs sleep. Okay?"

Y/N nodded and Sanzu gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Go upstairs and rest okay. I could trust my baby to sleep by herself right?"

Y/N stared at him as he brushed her cheek gently. Then, she nodded.

"Yes sir."

Sanzu broke into a wide smile. "Okay, you can go."

Y/N hesitated at first but she kissed him. "Thank you." Y/N got up from his lap and she shot Naoto a look. She would've never thought that Sanzu would let her out of her sight, and this could be good.

But it can have risks to it. If she sleeps, they're here longer than she wants to be, if she leaves and makes it out Sanzu would most likely kill Naoto.

Y/N made her way upstairs and exhaled heavily the moment she reached Naoto's room.

Her eyes dart to the window and she felt her heart sink in her chest. Ehr cheeks flushed and she felt hot all over. She knows that Sanzu said that she trusts her enough to let her sleep alone but, what if he checks on her?

She doesn't want to risk getting Naoto or herself killed. She wants to leave, it's nothing more she wants to do, but...Sanzu is a problem. He's unpredictable and not only that he's a literal maniac.

Y/N let out a shaky breath and touched her chest.

"Calm down, Y/N."

She took a few breaths, easing her nerves. When that was done she pulled herself away from the door. Y/N stared at the window for a few minutes before she eased herself in the bed.

If Sanzu trusts her enough to sleep, then she won't risk it now. She'll build rapport with him, get him to trust her more and try to convince him to leave to her place, then when he agrees... she'll do what she have to.

"It's either kill or be killed."


Sanzu glanced at Naoto after two hours went by. The man is laying on the floor, his hand across his belly as he gazed at the ceiling.

"You think she's still there?" Sanzu asks. Naoto tore his gaze away from the ceiling, meeting his gaze. Sanzu has an excited smile on his face and a glint in his eyes.

Naoto doesn't know what's got him all excited but he played into it to find out.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been thinking about checking on her and seeing her gone so I could chase her with a knife. I don't like seeing her cry, but I love it when she's scared. I want to see her terrified." He admits with a low grin.

Naoto didn't even know how to respond to that.

"Do you think I should check? I want to, God I want nothing more to do so." Naoto gulped and cleared his throat.

He really is fucked up. To want to put fear inside of her like that.

"I-if you think you should then sure."

Sanzu's smile dropped as he stared at Naoto. "If you try to leave...I'll chase you down and kill you for fun. So don't threaten me with a good time Tachibana...I may enjoy it."

Naoto watched Sanzu stand to his feet and disappear into the kitchen. He walked out seconds later with a knife and Sanzu flashed Naoto a crazed smile, shushing him.

"Parepare for a scare."

Grab your running shoes.

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