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•[Lights Out]•

11:00 p.m.

Y/N pranced inside of Kyoko Prison. It's now or never. No turning back. It's not that serious, but in a sense it is. Being marked upon sight. The thought of being owned.

It's an asylum. Something way worse than prison itself. However, past is past. There's no way she's doing that again. Strong or soft...she's a free woman.

Y/N strut her way down the hall, glancing at different securities making their rounds. They just gave her a glance, continuing their job.

Y/N stood by the door and exhaled. She knocked and awaited to be called in. But she wasn't, instead the door opened, revealing Laney.

She stepped out, closing the door behind her. She didn't have to say anything for Y/N to understand that she should be following behind the woman.

"I didn't give you an exact time," Laney begins. "but we'll give the nut job by one until you pack it up. I don't want to keep you here all night." She explains.

"Two hours?"

"Long than enough. You'll be working with Foreman now, just like you were supposed to the first time, since Tachibana has his own work to do." Laney took a left, her heels tapping against the floor in a rapid manner.

Y/N wondered if she's nervous. She also noticed how eerie it is, but she didn't speak on it.

For the remainder of the walk both women were quiet. Laney came to an abrubt stop, looking back at Y/N.

They're here. The F Block.

"I will have Foreman radio in to you every thirty minutes." She handed her a walkie. "If you need anything you can ask and he'll fetch it for you. And remember...stay away from that yellow line."

Y/N took in her every word and nodded. "I'm ready to get this over with."

She grins. "There's no need to be so melodramatic, Y/N. It's not like he'll kill you."

Laney opened the door with her key card and stepped on the other side. They walked down the grey hall for about a minute before reaching the second door.

Laney opened that one as well, stepping into the clearing. She glanced to the left of her where Foreman is sitting, drinking a coffee.

Upon spotting her he nodded, which made her nod.

"Well Y/N...good luck." With that she left her. Y/N glanced at the walkie in her hand and exhaled.

Foreman smacked the window, making her jump. She glanced at him and he chuckled.

"Good to scare you before he does. Break a leg newbie."

She glared at him, hearing the metal door slide open. The hell gate to the other side. Y/N shook her head and stepped on the other side. The moment she did the door sounded again.

She watched as it shut closed three seconds later. She knows Foreman is only trying to spook her.


"Well don't just stand there...walk." He radios in. She glanced at the walkie talkie in her hand and clenched her jaw.

Then she smiled. "Please leave me alone before Mr.Haruchiyo hears this and targets you. Wouldn't you like to feel safe as you work?"

No answer. "Good." She responds. Y/N made her way down the hall. She's thankful for the lights above, however the dark cells creeped her out.

Not to mention how quiet it is. Except for her echoed footsteps of course.

𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒓 03695 / 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒛𝒖 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒚𝒐Where stories live. Discover now