The Coronation

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Marigold's POV

Aslan and I began making our way toward the children, tracking up a few hills and rocks. It didn't take long for us to find them, all huddled up in a hug. I smiled at the sight and noticed Edmund in the middle of the hug, making my smile grow larger.

His eyes came in contact with Aslan and me but his face contorted in confusion, not recognizing the man next to me. Feeling his stare, the Pevensie children let go of him and followed his stare. Edmund looked at us curiously while the girls smiled at us, Peter was still a little confused even though he saw him shift to kill the Witch. Aslan shifted into his lion form, making Edmund's eyes go wide.

He stared at us for a moment longer before smiling at us and bowing his head lightly. I laughed and ran at them, tackling them in a hug and kissing their heads, happy to see that they were all okay.

"You have done well, all of you." I told him, still holding them.

"Come, the day's not over yet." Aslan said. We all looked at him, not understanding what he meant.

Aslan walked over to a nearby statue and breathed on it, turning it back. Aslan gave me a smirk and I realized what he meant. I got up with a quiet laugh and shifted into a lion. Edmund looked at me in shock again making me giggle, I winked at him before looking over to Lucy, who was already smiling, holding her healing cordial in her hand.

"Come one, little one." Aslan said beside me to her, gesturing his head to us.

Lucy got up with a huge smile and ran over to us. We all nodded to the other before splitting up - Lucy going over to injured soldiers to help them while Aslan and I ran off to save those who had been turned to stone.


Marigold's POV

The war was over and all of Narnia knew that the Witch was dead. It was the first time I saw how truly beautiful Narnia was. The flowers bloomed everywhere and the water unfroze, revealing mermaids and Naiads - water spirits made out of water. They were so beautiful and offered me kind waves and bows from the water. Fish of all exotic colors that I had never seen before greeted us in their groups and birds of all kinds flew throughout the sky. Hiding families came out of hiding and greeted their friends which they hadn't seen in a long time.

I was walking through the camp for the last time since they were cleaning it up when I came across Joetheus. He seemed to be looking around him in anticipation.

"Joetheus?" I asked him, seeing his uneasiness.

"My Queen." He quickly bowed to me, but his eyes still scattered around him, looking around.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"I can't find my wife and child. I know they're here but I can't find them." He told me, rushed.

"Relax, I'll help you find them." I said.

I reached out with my sense and listened around me. I was specifically looking to hear Evangeline since she would be easier to pick out. I looked around and eventually heard them talking from the cook's tent, which they were currently taking down.

"They're over there, both of them." I told him.

"You can see that far?" He questioned in shock and I nodded, remembering how Evangeline told me it was unfair that I could sense things better than they could.

"Come, let's reunite your family." I smiled and gestured to them.

Both Joetheus and I made our way toward the group taking the tent down. When we got close enough, he broke out in a full sprint, running towards them.

Pure Heart // Aslan x OC Reader // Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now