The Meeting

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Marigold's POV

As soon as I stepped out of the tent, I felt a sudden shift in the air, as if the wind had changed its direction. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, overwhelmed by the most enchanting scent that filled my nostrils. It was so alluring that I couldn't resist the urge to follow it.

So I did.

Third POV

Aslan had returned from his search through the woods for the mysterious lioness. The horn blew to announce his arrival. Just as he made it to the center of the camp, he stopped in his tracks, feeling the pull of the Deep Magic. He looked to his trusted General, who was smiling, but he didn't ask anything as the pull was too strong.

Both Mari and Aslan followed the smell and pull, using their senses to guide them to a certain place. They weaved through the maze of tents until they reached a clearing where a beautiful hill covered in flowers stood. They knew they needed to climb that hill, so they started using their paw pads and claws to scale the rocky terrain.

Mari made it to the top first and looked out to see the camp below her, each tent appearing smaller than before. She noticed the green poking through the white snow in the distance, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Aslan soon joined her on the top of the hill, and he felt the pull stop. But his nose continued to tingle, and he looked towards the edge of the hill to see a golden figure standing there. At first, he was surprised to see the lioness he had been searching for, but then he saw her face, and he was struck by her beauty.

The Deep Magic swirled inside of him, and he was scared for the first time in his life. He didn't know what to do or say, so he looked at her for a few more moments before finally speaking up.

Aslan let out a breath and spoke, "It's you..." 

Mari turned her head at the sound of the deep voice. As soon as she met the lion's eyes, she felt a flutter in her heart and her stomach turned. She realized that this was Aslan, the Great Lion. His eyes were enchanting, a beautiful blend of green and yellow, holding mystery and intrigue. The curvature of his face held power and his thick, golden mane added to his regalness. 

Mari stood there, feeling both shocked and fearful, not knowing what to do. However, she remembered that he was the King and pushed aside her thoughts about his looks..

Mari quickly bowed her head, breaking eye contact with Aslan. "Your Majesty." She stated.

Aslan was taken aback by the melodic sound of her voice. Even the flowers seemed to stop and listen to it. Her voice made his heart skip a beat as he continued to stare at her.

"You do not need to bow, Lioness." He told her, taking a step closer. She slowly rose, once again meeting his gaze. He looked into her eyes and noticed the blue pools that held sparkles in them, like foam from an incoming wave in the ocean.

"I heard you in the woods, so I went looking for you." He said lightly, still mesmerized by her eyes.

"And I came here looking for you." Mari responded with a gentle breath. Their voices sounded like music to each other.

"I'm Aslan." He nodded respectfully.

"I'm Mari." She responded, smiling.

"Mari..." Aslan repeated her name, causing chills to run down her spine. As he spoke, the wind picked up slightly, causing the flowers to dance. His mane moved in the wind, entrancing her even more.

"I have so many questions." He said, taking another step closer to her. The magical pull between them dissipated, but they still felt the urge to be near each other.

Pure Heart // Aslan x OC Reader // Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now