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Seventeen-year-old Caroline Jameson sat up in her bed with a feeling of dread. This is it , she thought. There's no avoiding it, so I might as well get up. She threw the covers across the bed and walked sluggishly to the vanity. She picked up the silver brush and started running it through her hair when she heard her grandmother call to her from downstairs.

"Breakfast in five minutes!"

"Thanks Gran!" she shouted back. When she finished with her hair she reached for her makeup box but stopped short when she saw the photo of her parents. It had to have been at least six years since the accident, Caroline thought. But no matter how many years went by, the image of her parents' bodies in the open caskets at the funeral would never, could never, leave her mind. Stop it, she told herself, and went back to putting on her makeup. Moments later she appeared at the bottom of the stairs, drawn to the kitchen by the familiar aroma of bacon. When she arrived, she was greeted by a kiss from her grandmother and a large stack of freshly made pancakes with chocolate chips in the shape of a smiley face.

"Happy first day of school, sweetheart." She turned around to see her grandfather sitting in his dark blue easy chair. "It's not every day that you start your junior year of high school" he continued. "Yup" she replied with fake enthusiasm. She quietly devoured her pancakes and was out the door and headed towards the bus stop within minutes. As she stepped on the bus, she tried to avoid eye contact with everyone. Sure, she wasn't a freshman anymore, but that still didn't make going to school any easier.

A hop, skip, and a short bus ride later, Caroline was standing in front of the school she had known for two years now. Rosswell School for the Gifted. One of the most prestigious schools in the state which housed only the most academically, athletically, or artistically talented kids in the area. Caroline was there on a full scholarship, but no one needed to know that. As she walked through the familiar halls, she was greeted by the screams of sophomore girls being reunited with their friends, the cheerful banter of the seniors, and the ooh's and ahh's coming from the dazed and confused freshmen. She walked to her new locker, set everything up just so, grabbed her books for first period, and headed to class.

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