063 Damn (LIZ, REI)

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Liz: Can I talk with you even just for a minute? I need it to just get it off of my head

Rei: Mm okay

Liz: There was this lady behind me at the grocery store, while waiting for the cashi- Are you even listening?

Rei: Yeah, I'm listening

Liz: Okay so we were waiting and then suddenly, this lady had the audacity to cut me off when I've literally been standing there for like 15 minutes, then she said "I don't really have the time to wait 5 minutes for these, move away" and I was so infuriated

Rei: What did the lady say again?

Liz: I thought you were listening?

Rei: I was listening, I wasn't paying attention though

Liz: Why do you not care? This is really important for me!

Rei: Well frankly my dear, I don't give a damn

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