052 Practice (OT6)

239 11 0

Yujin: Alright guys, let's start practicing! Gaeul, can you put the music on?

Gaeul: Okay [searches their song]

Gaeul: Who googled, "How to teach rats to sing"?

Leeseo and Liz: [wheezing]

Wonyoung to Leeseo: Why are you laughing?

Leeseo: That sounds so absurd!

Rei to Liz: Why are you laughing? You're the one who searched it didn't you?

Liz: I swear I didn't do it!

Rei: Then why are you laughing?

Liz: Whoever did it is a fucking moron!

"IVE got a joke" [incorrect ive]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang