It's Kabir, not Kabs

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We all were seated in the room

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We all were seated in the room. As usual meghna was seated just beside Kabir. And they're having their discussions.
"Just then niya came. And went to the open area and sit on couch. She put the plate and started cutting veges.
"Hey why are you doing this?" Sam asked.
" I have nothing to do. So i told aunty to give me some work. Here i got this " she said and cut the salads. Meghna was saying something to Kabir.
Sam too went to Niya.
" Niya don't you think Meghna and kab.."
She cut her off and said.." came too close and Kabir has forgotten everybody else?"
She completed the sentence.
"Yes." Sam replied..
" What can we do now Sam? I wanted to share something to him about di. But he has no time. I went to him two or three times but he said he's busy. And even if he's free , meghna doesn't leave him. Well it's okay. Let it be. Tommorrow is haldi no.  Let's enjoy this. " Niya said ,hurt was clearly visible in her eyes.

Just then she cut her finger little harshly and blood starts oozing out from it.

"Ouch..." She gasped and Sam looked towards it.
" Oh god. It's deep. What niya? Come. " Saying this she took her inside and said..
"Kabs ointment de. Baju waale drawer me hai ."
"Why?" Kabir asked. " This madam mistakenly hurted herself. Cut her finger basically. De na." She said. " What? Niya yaar. Show me?" Saying this he got up and came to niya. And told Meghna to took out the ointment from the drawer. The drawer was just below her head. So as she opened it , the corner of the drawer hitted he forehead.

"Ahh.", She gasped. Kabs turned and said ." Now what you did?"
"I .. actually opened this drawer and it hitted me" saying this she's rubbing her forehead.
Kabir went to her and started looking to her forehead forgetting that niya was also there.
Sam and Niya just stood there. It was deep cut. A sting pain she felt when she little pressed her finger to stop the blood flow. Sam was too angry to react.

"Kabs. Ointment manga tha tere se. "
"Sam, Meghan too got hurt. Ye le laga le. " Saying this he threw the ointment to Sameeksha.
" Bhai tu rehne de. Chal Niya. " Saying this Sam dragged out niya from the room.
" What Sam? What's that?" Niya asked once coming out of the room.
" Kabs will be getting so hard punches from me Niya. " Sam said furiously.
" Leave it bro. And apply something fast. It's paining." Niya said to which Sam applied the ointment.

Flashback ends.

"Oh god. Niya felt too bad right " bhoomika asked.
" Yes. True. Then, all those functions passed in blurr. Haldi mehendi and Sangeet. We all enjoyed a lot. Yeah it's not same for niya. Kabir came to her after that. But doesn't talk too much. Then meghna came to him again. Then come that day. Wedding night. Di wedding was done. There , niya saw meghna hugging Kabir.  She was controlling herself from such a long time. So that time it's not bearable. Di's viddai ceremony was done and she went with Nikhil jeez. And everything was normal.
Then niya got a call from siya di. Her elder sister. We were just chilling out. Meghna wasn't there.

Flashback starts-

"Tring- tring." Niya's phone rang. She was already frustrated seeing meghna and Kabir together.

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