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"Are you gonna visit me everyday?" A sobbing David asked Isabel, as he clung on to her tightly, preventing her from leaving him with Rodrigo and Paulina.

"I can't promise you that." She honestly replied, but regretted it the minute David's sobs got louder.

"Okay. I promise I'll come check up on you every other day, to see how much you've improved."

This time her reply worked like magic, as David's sobs turned to light sniffles.


"Yes, really."

"What if you break your promise?" He asked, pulling away from the hug to look into Isabel's eyes.

The teary eyes and tear stained face of the pup standing in front of her and staring right into her soul, waiting expectantly for her reply made her think of ways to keep her word. It wasn't going to be easy to check up on David since she now has a new task on her hands, but she also didn't want to go back on her word and betray the young werewolf, who had so much faith in her.

"If I can't make it, I'll have Dylan come check up on you. You like that?"

David nodded enthusiastically, already excited with the thought of spending time with his older brother whom he has missed for months.

"Now we're good. I also want you to promise me that you'll pay attention to everything my dad tells you." Isabel said and he nodded with a smile.

She ruffled his hair affectionately before standing up, as she was previously on a kneeling position.

"He's all yours now." She told her dad through mind link.

"Make him a strong werewolf."

Rodrigo gave a nod of agreement and held the pup, who was now his responsibility close to himself. His action convinced Isabel that she made the right choice.

"I'll have Fernando bring the rest of his things." She sent a faint smile David's way, which he returned with a grin.

Honestly, she couldn't help but wonder why exactly Dylan's younger brother was fond of her and her dad, when she barely even knows them.

"You can talk to Dylan, and you both can work towards having one of your own." Paulina advised her daughter through mind link.

Isabel didn't realize that she was staring affectionately at David until her mom's voice broke through her thoughts. She didn't want to accept or disregard her mom's advice, so she turned around and left the house without a single word.

As Isabel drove back home, her thoughts were on her mom's last statement. She can't fall for that at the moment, because she has a pack to run, she has enemies to defeat and most of all, she has a mate to protect.

But on the other hand, spending less than forty eight hours with David has awaken a yearning for a pup of her own. The way he held on to her hand in his sleep when she tucked him in, the previous night made her wonder what it would be like to have a pup, and watch him or her sleep every night.

'Get a hold of yourself, Isabel' she mentally cautioned herself, shrugging off every unnecessary thoughts.

"You're back." Dylan greeted with a smile as soon as his mate walked into the house. He was watching a football game on TV while he waited for Isabel and David's return.

"Where's David?" He then asked when he didn't see his little brother behind his mate or anywhere around her.

"He's gonna be living with my parents from now on." She simply replied.

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