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There was a large crowd in the house. There were pups, teenage werewolves, female werewolves and older werewolves present. The place was busy and chaotic until all eyes fell on Isabel. It was as if everyone turned into a statue the very moment Isabel stepped into the house. They all stared at her with bulged eyes and mouth agape like she just resurrected from the dead.

Daniel had to clear his throat as a sign for them to come out of their dazed state. They bowed their heads to show their respect, but that didn't stop them from still staring.

"You can go about your business." Isabel said in acknowledgement of their greeting, and like magic they immediately obeyed.

Isabel was quite young compared to Dylan's older brother, Daniel, but her presence commanded more respect than Daniel's.

"Why is there so much crowd in here?" Dylan curiously asked his brother because this was their dad's personal house and not the pack house.

"The pack isn't safe anymore. Everyday, at least one of our pack members are murdered by the rogues, so I decided to split the population. There are two groups in the pack houses. This is the last group."

While Daniel was answering Dylan's question, the latter was bitting the insides of his cheeks, trying his hardest not to blurt out the question that has been burning inside him since they arrived. He was curious to know whether or not his older brother was the present alpha of the Greenwood pack as his dad was nowhere in sight.

As if on cue, Dylan's dad and mom appeared on the staircase. Dylan swallowed hard, suddenly looking around him to find anything more interesting than the stairs. He was nervous to see his parents again.

From the corner of her eye, Isabel noticed her mate's sudden discomfort. She quietly reached for his hand, forcing him to look at the stairs. He wasn't permitted to act like a coward with her around. If he was scared of his parents, he shouldn't show it in her presence because that would make her look weak.

When Dylan's parents got to the foot of the stairs, it was like the two dominant werewolves were having a mind contest for supremacy as they both looked straight at each other. Mr Dwight had always had a problem with acknowledging the Pride's pack superiority, so it wasn't a surprise when even in a situation as dire as this, he was still bothered about his pride. Isabel as stubborn as she was didn't budge either. If there was anyone worthy enough to represent the Pride pack in accordance with its name, it was Isabel.

No wonder she's the alpha.

After what felt like an eternity, Desmond avoided eye contact with Isabel.

"Alpha Martinez" he greeted. His tone was curt and unfriendly.

"Alpha Dwight" Isabel also gave a curt reply. She then turned her attention towards Dylan's mother, Jane, who was yet to show her respect to the dominant werewolf.

When Isabel raised a questioning brow at the older werewolf, she was left with no choice but to swallow her pride and bow in greeting. A small smile crept up Dylan's lips as he watched his parents being quietly subdued by his mate.

"Where is your study? I'd like you to brief me on the current situation." This statement was directed at Daniel, who eagerly nodded in agreement.

"This way, please."

Before following Daniel, Isabel turned to face Dylan.

"I'll be back soon." She said and let go of his hand.

ISABEL Where stories live. Discover now