Your Eyes Tell A Story

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Ayame POV:

I was told by Sakura that Kakashi sensei brought me home and I had slept for two days straight. I wanted to thank Kakashi but he left to train Sasuke somewhere unknown. I was told that the last part of the chunin exams was in a month and in that month we had to train. Naruto told me that I would be fighting someone called Toshiro Suzuki. 

Currently, Sakura was out with Ino doing whatever. Naruto was training with someone he didn't tell me who. Sasuke was with Kakashi and mostly everyone was either training or out doing something. And I, I was sitting in the forest reading and practicing jutsu. I was a bit away from the center of Konoha. I knew anbu usually trained in this part of the forest which was secluded and private but I got permission to train here from the Hokage since most to all of the anbu were busy trying to find a certain 'someone'. Oh, I wish I knew who that was. Not. I spent most of the days alone and training there. On day 16, I felt off. Something just didn't feel right. I couldn't sit still which was very unusual for me. I felt jittery and couldn't stop twitching. There was a weird tingling in my chakra the whole day. It was only when the sun when down, did I realize why. 

I was practicing a water-style jutsu when I felt a surge of powerful chakra run up my spine. I turned around and could only feel the chakra growing closer and closer. The air seemed to shift and it became very tense. I looked up at the trees and every left that moved made me feel slightly scared. I tell someone was here, I just didn't know where, or who. I couldn't tell if they were very close or not but I could tell they were in the area. Their chakra seemed to spread out and it kept feeling like they were everywhere but nowhere at once. I turned around again and I came face to face with a pair of green eyes. I blinked before looking at the person. It was a young man. Probably around the same age as Kakashi sensei. He was wearing an anbu uniform but no mask. He was holding his arm which was bleeding out and he was panting. His dark brown hair appeared black under the moonlight. I had to admit, he was very handsome. His head was tilted to the side as he stared at me and strangely enough, I mirrored his action. He was only a few feet away from where I stood. His chakra was jittery and seemed unstable. We stared at each other silently for a minute. 

Then he me. I took a step back as he appeared in my face. I felt time slow down and I sent a burst of chakra to my feet, jumping out of his way before he was able to land a hit. I looked back at him with see him eyeing me silently before coming at me again. We engaged in taijutsu. I could tell his skills were far above mine but he seemed to be holding back as he fought me, as if he didn't actually want to hurt me. I switched to using water jutsu but he always seemed to be able to sleep threw all of my jutsu. I wanted to use lightning jutsu but I barely knew any. I thought about trying to mimic Kakashi's Chidori. I started making hand signs for it but he was quicker. He suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed my hands. The force he used made me lose my footing and fell back onto the grass with his falling on top of me. I sucked in a sharp breath as tried to push him off but he pinned my hands above my head. I tried to kick him off but he was basically sitting on my waist which made it impossible. His face and body hovered over mine and I couldn't help but feel panic rising up in my chest. I couldn't move with him restraining me like this. I was halfway down on chakra, darn I need to work on my stamina. I was completely helpless, not to mention even if I did get him off he was still an anbu and could kill me in a split second. The fear and panic slowly started to show on my face. What if he does something to me? No one knows I'm still here. 

He stared down into my eyes silently. When he opened his mouth to speak, his voice came out deep and husky. "You're strong." He commented. I look up at him before looking away, a slight frown on my face. 

"Clearly not strong enough." I couldn't help but mutter to myself. 

"True. You are only a genin after all. There's only so much you could do against me. But I am honestly surprised you lasted this long against me." I stared up at him. His eyes seemed to soften slightly and they didn't look as murderous as before. I didn't say a word. I wasn't sure if he was trying to compliment me or make me lower my guard. "Tell me." He started. "What's your name?"

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now