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*A day Later*

"Thank you so much, sir. I appreciate your help." Ophelia said to the man with a smile.

"You are welcome, the papers will be sent to you." The man said and left.

Ophelia stood in front of the high building as she looked at him as he drove away.

He had helped with getting an apartment. Kelly would not stop complaining about the efficiency of the hotel they lodged in.

Her phone vibrated against her pocket. She forced it out and saw the caller's ID. It was her mother.

"Hi, mom." She said as she picked it.

"Hey, Ophelia. How is it going?" Did she ask?

"Fine, mom. Just got an apartment." She said as she signaled to a cab. She climbed into it and signaled to the driver to move.

"Okay then. How is the job interview going?" She asked again.

"Will be going tomorrow and may get it." She said with a hopeful gesture.

"Okay, best of luck. I am already in my diner." She said.

"Okay. Talk to you later." She said and disconnected the call.

Then again, her phone rang.

"Hi, babe." Kelly's voice came through.

"How is your registration going?" Ophelia asked.

"Almost done with it. Will, he resuming on Monday anyways." Kelly answered.

"Okay, I got the apartment and also signed the necessary documents. We would be moving in by tomorrow so that we would not have to worry about anything on Monday." She told her.

'Oh, okay then. I can't wait to leave that hotel. Like gosh, it is too disgusting for my liking." Kelly grimaced as she said it. Ophelia rolled her eyes.

"Half bread is better than none." She said and disconnected the call.




"Dimitri, ain't you going to work today?" Maureen asked as she sat down beside him. He looked up from the laptop and stared at her.

"What am I doing? And besides, it is Saturday." He said.

"So it means you are working from home?" She asked as she craned her neck to look at what he was doing.

"You won't understand a thing even if you see it." He joked. She rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, have you heard from Emery?" She asked and he stopped typing as he heard that name. His eyes moved away from the keyboard and went back swiftly.

He swallowed lightly and turned to look at her.

"Emery is fine and you don't need to worry." He said with a smile that did not reach his face. She nodded her head as she continued to play the games on her iPad.

"When do you think she will be back? Because the last she came was on your birthday and since then she did not even place a call to me." She asked again.

Poor girl. She loved Emery. But after what she did to Demetrius, she knew way too well that there was no way in the world that she could contact Maureen again.

Well, he did make sure of that.

"Emery is fine and I think she also trying to do things she knows she's good at." He answered.

"Things like cheating on me." He added mentally with spite.

"Okay then. Just that I missed her and every time I ask mom about her, mom tells me that she traveled and won't be coming back anytime soon." She said with a sad pout.

He smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"What about we go out and get some ice cream for you?" He asked with a smiley face. She grinned and chipped happily.

"Sure." She jumped and ran towards the stairs. He chuckled and stood up.

"Always getting me at my weakest point." He mused quietly as he shut down his laptop and stood up to get his clothes changed.




"Mom, we are gone," Maureen yelled as Demetrius held her by her hands and walked towards his car.

"Okay." They heard their mother yell back.

The driver ran towards Demetrius and was about to enter the driver seat when Demetrius spoke up, "You can give me the key."

The driver turned towards him and handed the key over to him. He collected the key and Maureen went to sit at the passenger seat while he got into the driver seat.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup," Maureen answered.

He nodded his head and ignited the car's engine.




Kelly walked into the hotel and saw Ophelia standing outside, probably waiting for her.

"Hey, babe." She hollered at her as she walked towards her. Ophelia looked up from her phone. She has been busy since, trying to look for the best apartment for both of them. She was exhausted.

"So how was the apartment?" She asked her. Ophelia nodded her head positively.

"You look tired. Any problem?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just that I and the man have been moving from one place to another for the apartment." Ophelia explained with a shrug.

"Sorry about that. Even the registration was quite stressful. But anyway, let's go pack our things and get ready for tomorrow." Kelly said and they both went into the hotel.


"So what do think of the job you would be resuming for on Monday?" Kelly asked as she brushed her hair and clichéd it into a bun.

"I am not resuming, I am going for the interview." Ophelia corrected her.

"Ohh, okay. Do you know the location?" She asked.

"I will use google maps. And besides, I will get up early." Ophelia said with a shrug as she went through her phone.

"Anyways, congratulations in advance." Kelly said and slumped down on the bed. Then suddenly her stomach growled, bringing Ophelia's attention to her. Ophelia chuckled.

"Better go have some food." She said with a giggle. Kelly rolled her eyes and stood up before exiting the room.

Ophelia breathed out in relief as she switched off her phone and laid down on the bed. Her eyes slowly closed, dreading the day she would go for the interview.

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