A Meet-Not-So-Cute

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She turned around on the bed.

“Looks like someone is having a very bad hang over.” She heard a voice say.

She opened her eyes and saw Kelly putting up the curtains.

“Ouch, my head hurts.” She muttered.

Kelly turned towards her and looked at her disheveled hair and how sleepy she looked.

“How did we get home? And besides it is morning already?” She asked, her brows furrowing on confusion.

“Well, a very handsome man helped us, you know.” Kelly said and giggled as she remembered how good – looking the man was.

“And he was so kind.” Kelly added.

Ophelia arched her eyebrow and stared at her. Why was she giggling like that?

“Hey wait, don’t tell me you are already in love with a stranger we met at the club?” Ophelia questioned as she sat up.

“Oh, please. All I am saying is that he is handsome and all you know.” Kelly rolled her eyes as she clarified.

Ophelia looked around and started searching for something.

“What is it you are looking for?” Kelly asked when she saw how she was looking confused.

“My phone.” Ophelia replied.

“Found it.” She said and turned it on.

As soon as it settled on the home screen. Tons of thousand messages started buzzing into her notification bar.

“What is all this?” Kelly asked.

“Messages from Jeremy.” Ophelia replied with a sigh.

Kelly collected more like snatched the phone from her.

“Hey..” Ophelia said bad stared at her.

“I won't let you read his useless unapologetic messages.” Kelly said as she started clicking the delete button on each of them.

“What if he is really sorry?” Ophelia asked.

“Why are you so naive?” Kelly asked.

“Just that…” Ophelia could not reply.

“All he is doing is to get in your panties and nothing else.” Kelly said sternly.

“Brace yourself up.” Kelly said and sighed.

“I know it is your first relationship after everything that had happened with your parents but you don’t need to rely on the past.”

“Life is full of ups and downs and it is not a bed of roses.” Kelly advised.

“Not all things work for our good, who knows this was to give you an experience so that next time you will be careful in choosing the person you want to spend the ret of your life with.” Kelly said and looked at her in the eye.

“Know that whatever happens, I will always be by your side.” Kelly said and smiled. Ophelia returned it with a little smile.

“Thanks.” She said and gave her a buddy hug.

“Now, I want you to go through job applications online so that you will be back on ground and would not have the time to think about the past.” Kelly said.

“And before I forget, give me your phone.” She requested and took Ophelia's phone.

“What do you want to do with it?” Ophelia asked.

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