41. Irresistible

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Since Patrick became aware of me being a mermaid, he's been hanging out whenever he didn't have his shift at the lifeguard tower or when life didn't get in the way. I eventually told Lewis of Patrick being aware of everything. Lewis suggested that I tell Cleo and Emma after having told Rikki so that they weren't alarmed at the last minute. Patrick still didn't know of the other girls also being mermaids.

As I entered the cafe, Nate was playing a guitar as if he were trying out for a place in a mariachi band. I could tell he was trying to hit on Cleo, who sat at the counter sipping her drink. Since learning of the breakup, Nate had been trying to flirt with Cleo, but she always turned him down with a sassy comeback.

"Who's in the mood for a song?" Nate asked after approaching her.

"I think I'll skip the juice," Cleo placed her drink on the counter ready to leave.

"I know what you mean," Emma agreed as she worked her shift.

"Could always take it to go," I suggested.

"So, Cleo. Listen to this," Nate grinned and played a slow tune and let out some o's before stopping. "Well?"

"Very good," Cleo nodded and got up to leave.

"So, what do you say? You? Me? Your place? First lesson's free."

Not a great idea man. I thought knowing how protective Mr. Sertori was of both Cleo and Kim when it came to boys. Plus, as I guessed, Nate was trying to be the next John Mayer.

"You wanna give me a guitar lesson?" Cleo asked.

"Yeah," Nate nodded, "Absolutely. Why not? I'm really good at it. I've been making stacks of money lately giving lessons."

I figured he was just showing off, trying to hit on girls, especially Cleo.

"Well, it has been pretty high on my to-do list," Cleo gave Nate a fake grin.

"Really?" Nate smiled at her.

"Yeah. It's up there with getting my fillings replaced."

Ya tell 'im, Cleo! I thought happily as she left the cafe.

"How 'bout you, Zo-zo? Wanna a free guitar lesson?" Nate turned to me.

"Not in this lifetime," I shook my head and turned to leave.

As I made my way for the exit, Ash passed by while pushing a cart. He and Emma started going out, which confirmed to me that they both liked each other. Eventually, Ash will soon learn of the secret, which was left up to Emma to tell him about it.

"Hey, Zoey," he smiled.

"Hey, Ash," I nodded and then left.


Later, Patrick and I met up back at the cafe after his shift at the tower. We arrived at the same time as Lewis. I figured he was meeting up with Charlotte by the look of things. 

"Lewis," Zane called out as he made an appearance.

"What's up?" Lewis wondered.

"I found it. Pure ambergris."

"Isn't ambergris sperm whale feces?" Patrick asked overhearing him.

I gave both guys a grossed-out expression. I noticed Zane was holding what looked like an antique perfume bottle, the kind Grandma and Grandpa would've seen back in their youth.

"How did you find it?" Lewis asked as he examined the bottle.

"On the internet," Zane replied, "A local antique dealer had some. He said it's over a hundred years old."

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