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"no, she's not awake. she's still asleep." mingi grumbles.

he'd been woken abruptly by the shrill of his phone ringing and picked it up to hear yunho yapping on about who-knows-what.

"just wake her up, she'll be fine. we're coming home now anyway."

"i'm not waking her up!" he scolds quietly, "she's sleeping really well and you know that isn't easy for her. you can just wake us up when you get back, quit yapping. it's too early for you to be talking this much. okay. yeah, goodbye."

he reaches behind him to place his phone back on the nightstand before turns back to the warm presence wrapped around his body, pulling him in close. he opens his eyes again to see yuna cuddling in to his chest, bottom lip pushed out in the same morning pout her brother wore while he was asleep. he smiles at the sight; her hair a mess, the small amount of sunlight making her soft skin glow, the way her eyelashes gently fluttered against the tops of cheeks.

he places a gentle kiss on her forehead, causing her to angle her face up toward him. he takes the chance to lay a chaste kiss to her lips before leaning back and laying his hand on her cheek, gently pushing some hair out of her face. she groans in her sleep, her eyes fluttering open as she wriggles around in his arms.

"good morning, gorgeous." mingi smiles as she whines, too tired for him to be talking to her. "how are you feeling today? you feel any better?"

she sighs heavily, "a little. not much though. i'll be fine, don't worry about me." she stretches her limbs out, yawning loudly.

"i'm always gonna worry about you, yuna," he rubs her belly softly as she pushes his hand off of her, "nothing you say or do will change that."

"yeah, well," she groans again, rolling back over to face her, "just close your mouth, go back to sleep." she pushes her finger against his lips while he rolls onto his back, letting her lay on his chest.

"are you still tired?" yuna nods as her hands reach up to gently comb through mingi's hair. he rolls back onto his side, moaning quietly at the feeling of her fingers on his scalp.

"does that feel nice?" mingi hums in response, craning his neck downward a little so she could reach a bit better.

they lay like this for about a minute before the door flies open and, yet again in all his glory, a shirtless and messy haired wooyoung was interrupting their moment.

"fuck you and your adorable relationship, okay?" he grumbles, "love me instead for a minute," as he makes his way into the bed between the two, placing yuna's hands into his own hair and groaning at the feeling.

not even a minute later, san was at the door, pouting at the attention wooyoung was receiving and slithering his way between mingi and wooyoung to cuddle with the rapper. then, along comes jongho who lays between mingi and the wall and yeosang who squeezes in between mingi and jongho.

yuna, unfortunately and unbeknownst to the rest of the group, was gradually being pushed off the bed, the blanket completely yanked off of her freezing body. she decided there was three options for her at this point; get out of bed and leave, get out of bed then get back in and attempt to squeeze in between the other boys, or cuddle into wooyoung's warm body.

upon turning her attention back to the group after thinking over options, she finds that they're all fast asleep, leaving her to her own devices.

she goes with her third option, cuddling in as close as she could to wooyoung's side as his arms wrap securely around her waist. he kicks his leg over her own, bringing some small portion of the blanket back over her legs, and uses it to pull her in closer.

"you feeling okay this morning?" he whispers.

"i'm feeling a little better. thanks, woo." he grunts in response, letting her nuzzle her face into his neck as the two drift back off to sleep.

they all stay in their positions for about 15 minutes before a heavy weight falls over them all, nearly crushing yuna in the process. "get up, dorks. we've got a surprise."

they all get up slowly, walking into the hall in a line. mingi led them with san close behind, followed by yeosang, then jongho, wooyoung, and yuna who's arms are lazily wrapped around wooyoung's waist, forehead rested on his back, letting him guide her into the living room.

yuna stops when her body slams into wooyoung's, rubbing her head gently as she makes her way to stand in front of him. she grabs his hands and pulls them over her shoulders, leaning back into his chest.

"so, we have a little surprise." seonghwa starts, his terrible attempt at hiding his excitement only making it more obvious how he felt.

"is it food? if it's not food, i'm going back to bed." yuna grumbles, eliciting quiet chuckles from the more awake members.

"we do have food but first we-" hongjoong is interrupted by the mumbles and grumbles of the younger group who immediately began trying to figure out where and what the delicious smell was coming from. "no! before food, we have a surprise just for yuna."

the boys groan in response, not happy with the fact that they didn't get to have their food at that moment.

"yuna, you listening?" she hums, not bothering to open her eyes as her brother rolls his, "you keep saying how you feel alone all the time and so, we thought maybe a roommate might help you out a little."

"you put an advertisement for a roommate?" she was suddenly wide awake, practically fuming at her brother who only laughed at her reaction.

"okay, not a human roommate," she furrows her brows in confusion before she continues, "just open the box."

seonghwa walks out from the kitchen with a cardboard box wrapped in a beautiful red ribbon. the brilliant colour immediately caught her eye and she began walking cautiously over to the box.

she looks at her brother nervously before opening the box and gasping at the little ball of fur inside. "a puppy?" she coos, picking up the small dog and holding it close to her chest. "you got me a puppy?" she giggles as it licks her chin.

"yeah! we thought he might help you feel a little less lonely." yunho explains as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"yunho..." seonghwa takes the dog as yuna walks over to her brother, wrapping her arms around him, "thank you." she sobs, "thank you so much."

she turns back to seonghwa, taking the puppy from his arms and kissing it's head gently.

"what're you gonna name him?" seonghwa asks, petting the dog's head.

she thinks for a moment before looking back at the dog, "cho. i'm going to name him cho because he is just the most handsome little puppy i have ever laid my eyes on." the dog yaps happily, licking her chin again as she giggles.

"well, if that's your logic his name should really be wooyoung." the boy states as he pets the dog gently.

"if we're going based on looks, it should be yeosang." yeosang chuckles, scratching the dog's chin.

"you're both completely wrong," san scoffs, "it should be san."

"are you three really fighting over who gets to be the dog's namesake?"

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