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yuna smiles as she finally arrives at the ateez dorm. she knocks on the door a few times and waits a short moment before the door cracks open a little and a very familiar pair of eyes peak out from behind it. the door opens wider and there is mingi, smiling brightly at the girl in front of him.

"hey, mingi." she chirps as he pulls her into his arms.

"hey, nana." he moves to the side to let her in, gently taking her bag from her hand. he watches as she looks around in confusion before turning to him, a questioning eyebrow quirked.

"why's it so quiet?" she asks quietly as he chuckles, "it's weird."

"everyone is either out or taking a nap so they can stay awake all night with you." she smiles as he gestures down the hallway to his room. she curtsies as she passes him, giggling over her shoulder as she walks ahead of him.

he shakes his head and reaches over her head to push his door open and let her in.

"so," he sighs, placing her bag down on his desk while she lay down on his bed, "what's going on? do you know why you feel alone again?"

she sits up and shrugs as he sits beside her, gently taking her hand in his. "i don't know," she mumbles, watching as she plays with his fingers, "just do, i guess. it's not really like it's something that i can pick out and just know why i feel alone, i just... do."

she finally looks up as he watches her carefully. her eyes drop back to their hands as she quietly sniffs and mingi's instant reaction was to take her face in his hands softly and turn her head to look up at him.

"i'm not crying, min. i've just got a stuffy nose." he offers her a small smile which she gladly returns.

"so why'd you want to come over?" he asks quietly as she shifts a bit uncomfortably.

"i don't know, i just felt so alone and i was..."

"you were what, nana? talk to me, i'm here to listen to you." yuna nods as he presses his forehead against her own, quietly ushering her to continue.

"i was having bad thoughts." she continues quietly. mingi immediately pulls her into his arms, gently brushing his fingers through her hair.

"no, don't have bad thoughts, nana. i love you so much, i can't have you thinking like that, okay?" she nods as he kisses her head softly. "and if you ever think like that again, you call me straight away. not seonghwa, not yunho, not wooyoung, me. you call me as soon as you start, you don't let it build up inside and eat you, okay? call me, i'm right here for you whenever you need me."

"thanks, gi." yuna whispers as he kisses her head again and slowly pulls back, letting her free from his hold.

"there's something that you wanted to ask me as well, wasn't there?" yuna nods, carefully tucking a few stray hairs behind her ears.

"yeah. what uh- what e-exactly did you mean when you said we might k-kiss sometimes?"

mingi smiles as her cheeks turn a light pink colour and she tries to hide from his eyes.

"i meant that we are really good friends right now who, if the situation calls for it, might kiss," he smiles as she nods, eyes looking everywhere but him, "maybe like this."

her eyes widen as he leans in and gently presses his lips against hers. her eyes flutter closed as his hand moves to rest on her cheek, gently stroking the skin with the pad of his thumb. he pulls away, yuna chasing his lips for a moment, before she buries her face in his chest, slapping him lightly.

"what the heck, mingi? you can't just do that!" he chuckles as she falls back on the bed, hands over her face as she tries desperately to hide the red colour that had stained her cheeks and ears.

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