Part 15 "Did you miss me?"

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(TW: Homophobic slurs)

"Guess who's home?" A feminine voice shouted standing outside the front door
Steve quickly got dressed as did Billy, "what the fuck do I do?" Billy asked quietly. "Shit I don't know go to my room!" Steve whispered. Billy ran up to Steve's room as Steve went to answer the door.

He was greeted with his parents standing there. "Hiii Stevie" his mom said grabbing and hugging him. "Hey mom" he said trying to breathe as she squeezed him, practically suffocating him.

"Steve you stink you should shower" she said making a disgusted face.

She pushed past him walking inside he was then met with his dad who just nodded at him and extending his hand for Steve to shake. Steve gripped his dad's hand firmly, not wanting his dad to make comments about how he looks/acts like a girl.

His dad then walked past him both of the parents had suitcases "so uh, why are you guys here?" Steve questioned. "Steve, this is our house we can come and go as we please" his mom said going to her room.

"Right" he said under his breath.

While they were busy unpacking, Steve went up to his room, and quickly walked in and turned around shutting and locking his door quietly. He saw Billy in Steve's bathroom just sitting down looking around.

"Hey Billy my parents are here" Steve said. "couldn't be a worse time for them to finally show up huh" Billy said chuckling.

"Gosh I know" Steve replied pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Do I need to leave?" Billy asked "no- I don't know, hopefully not "just stay in here for a bit ok?" Steve said, Billy nodded as Steve turned around heading back downstairs.

His parents were in the kitchen talking.
He walked in and his mother turned to him.
"Oh Stevie guess what?" His mother asked excitedly. "What?" He said uninterested.
"Were gonna throw a party tomorrow! We'll be inviting lots of other rich folk of course" his mom said "where is it taking place?" Steve asked.

"By that pretty little lake. You know the one connected to the park it's huge" she said.
"Oh ok" can I invite anyone as a plus one or something?" Steve asked thinking of Billy.
"Of course you can honey" she said beginning to cook. His dad made stupid small talk with him about girls, sports, etc. Nothing Steve himself actually cared about, just stuff his dad did and wanted Steve to.

He answered telling mostly lies, just wanting to please his father and shut him up, all he could think about was Billy and how he just wanted to go up there, instead of making stupid small talk with his dad.

After his dad was dome with his questions he went to grab a beer and sat down on the sofa grabbing the remote and flipping through TV shows, until he got to a game show that of course had the beauty standard of women there being objectified, just standing there looking dumb and pretty to attract male viewers unhappy in their marriages.

He cringed as he watched his dad from afar, seeing how he participated in the objectification of women. Steve always felt like a feminist, he wanted to stand up for women's rights and hug every woman who had gone through trauma at the hands of a man.

He knew his father would scold him so he never dared to say a word about it him he just sat and observed, wishing his family was different, I mean he hadn't seen them in about 7 months. And they just show up like nothing.

He sat on the stool feeling bored and wanting to go upstairs with Billy.
"May I be excused to go upstairs?" He asked
"Yes Steve go I'll call you when the food's ready. His mother answered, he quickly got up and ran upstairs.

He opened his door seeing Billy going through a memory book Steve had filled with old pictures of Steve and his family members.

Billy turned his head instantly to see who was at the door, He sighed, relieved that it was just Steve. "Sorry if I scared you" Steve said quietly. "It's ok" Billy replied putting the book down. "Steve are you sure I shouldn't go? it's fine if I need too" Billy asked.

"No, no I don't want you going back there" Steve said "you can climb through my window and go to the front door, while I tell me parents I had planned for a friend to stay the night ok?" Steve said, Billy nodded climbing through the window as Steve went downstairs.

"Oh Steve back already?" Foods not done yet" his mother said "oh its fine, hey mom so before yall got here I had already planned for a friend to stay the night, is it cool if they still stay?" Steve asked hoping for a yes. "Oh sure that's alright" she replied.

"Great, thanks I think he's here" Steve said running up to the door, he opened it and Billy stood there with his fist up ready to knock. "Oh hey Steve" Billy said as if he didn't just see him. "Hey man what's up?" Steve said inviting him in trying to act as casual as possible.

He introduced Billy to his mom who was very sweet, then to his dad who had Billy sit down with him, and of course questioned him about sports and girls and other typical manly things.

"So Billy, got a girl?" Steve's dad questioned.
"Uh yes sir I do in fact" Billy replied quickly glancing at Steve. "that's great!" His dad said sipping his beer, Steve rolled his eyes at his idiotic father.

Mr harrington then started to compare Steve to Billy. "Y'know Steve, you should look up to your friend here, look at at him, he's jacked, and is good with the ladies" Steve looked down feeling bad about himself, Billy noticed this and felt pure rage, he wanted to beat the shit out of Steve's dad but he knew he couldn't so he calmed himself.

"Cmon Steve don't be such a sissy" his dad said jokingly, laughing at his own dumb joke. Steve just got up and sat on a stool in the kitchen, his dad rolled his eyes and sipped more of his beverage, probably trying to forget how Steve was a failure in his dad's eyes.

The food was finally done and they all ate.
Steve thanked his mom for the food, as did Billy before excusing themselves to go upstairs.

Once they got into Steve's room Steve let out a huge exaggerated sigh, causing Billy to chuckle at how dramatic Steve was.
"God why are my parents here right now" Steve said out loud plopping done on his bed.

"I hope they aren't here for long" Steve said
"Your mom seems pretty nice" Billy said.
"Yeah she is, it's mostly my dad who I don't like" Steve said before shrugging. "I'm just glad you get to stay the night here" Steve said as Billy sat down on Steve's bed next to him. Steve looked into Billy's eyes, before glancing down at his lips.

He kissed him, Billy kissed back as Steve climbed into Billy's lap sitting on him they made out for a good few minutes, taking off each other's shirts, before they heard footsteps going upstairs, Steve quickly got off Billy's lap and sat on his bed in an unnatural way as his door opened and his dad walked in.

He walked right past them and went into Steve's bathroom looking for something, he came out and was walking by them heading to the door when he stopped and stared at them.

"Put your shirts on you both look like a couple of fags" he said, they nodded before he walked out shutting the door.

Steve sighed getting up to lock his door. "Gosh I can't believe I forgot to lock it" Steve said running his hands through his hair.
He suddenly heard a knock at his door, he quickly opened it and it was his mom.

"Hii, just coming to say goodnight guys" she said cheery "yall should get some sleep, big day tomorrow! Oh and I brought blankets and pillows for Billy so he could sleep on the floor comfortably" She said placing them on Steve's bed before hugging Steve, kissing his cheek and running over to hug Billy, kissing his forehead, she smiled at them before heading out.

"Shes super sweet" Billy said, Steve locked his door, grabbing the blankets and pillows setting them up on the floor. "Oh am I actually gonna sleep on the floor?" Billy questioned playfully.

"Of course not, it just needs to look like you did for the morning" Steve said finishing up. "Oh ok, smart" Billy replied before he got under the covers getting comfortable, he took off his jeans and tossed them on the ground, Steve took off his pants as well leaving them on the ground before getting in bed with Billy, cuddling with him.

(Authors note)
I've wrote like 4 chapters today 💀
I'm having to much fun with this.
Lmk if i made spelling errors I'll fix them.

1545 words

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