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Meenakshi's POV

The next day as usual I was busy in the kitchen and then my husband came and asked me to follow him to our room and when I asked him the reason he said that he wants to teach me some new math concepts.

But I refused as I can't leave my chores. I thought he would understand but he didn't. He went to his mother and said, "Amma! Why is my room so changed? I can't find anything. Nothing is in it's place."

Wanting to help him my mother in-law called me and said, "Go and help your husband."

I followed him to our room and he gave me a maths book and asked me to solve the problems. But then Adarsh came to our room and said, "Amma! Grandmother is calling you." As I was standing up, my husband pushed me down and asked me to solve the problems and went to his mother and said, "Amma! I asked her to clean the room. She won't be able to come out for a while."

I tried to solve the problems and did solve the basic multiplication and division problems but had problem solving division problems of 4 digits. Seeing my mistakes he said, these are not a big deal. If you practice a bit, you will solve without any issues.

I thought he would leave me after that but he didn't and started teaching me  about some new concepts. I was annoyed as I didn't want so much maths in my life all of a sudden and when I voiced out my thoughts he said, "Do what I say and this is your first lesson, so you better concentrate on what I'm saying."

Not having any other choice I decided to listen but I was bored and just hoped my sons would come and disturb us. We also planned to play carroms today but they were nowhere to be seen.

Didn't know how time passed and after my husband taught me a few new concepts, he said, "It's enough for today."

I was relieved and immediately stood up to leave but he stopped me and said, "Wait! I have something for you." I was not at all excited as I thought he would just give me few more books but to my surprise, he gave me a new Android phone and said, "I want you to send me the pictures of everything you have practiced so that I can correct you and  also you can clear all your doubts immediately without waiting for weekends."

Seeing me silent he said, "Why are you so silent? Didn't you like the phone?" To which I said, "I like it but" I hesitated to continue what I wanted to say so I kept quiet but he said, "But? What? Tell me what you wanted to say." To which I said, "Why do you always talk only about studies?"

To which he said, "Because that's important." To which I said, "But not when you come home after these many days." To which he said, "Fine. But first tell me did you like your mobile." To which I involuntarily smiled and said, "Yes. I'll show this to our children. They will be very excited."

I went out in search of our children and didn't find them in the house and asked my mother in-law about their whereabouts and she said that they would come in a while.

I was excited about the new mobile and informed her about it and showed her the mobile to which she said, "It looks costly. How much does it cost?" To which I didn't know how to answer and stayed silent but she again said, "Let it be. Nowadays everyone are having these mobiles." I was glad that she didn't say anything more to hurt me.

As my children were nowhere to be seen, I went to the kitchen to see Sudha cooking and asked her if I could help her to which she said that the cooking was almost done and asked me to taste it and say if the taste was good.

I was surprised after tasting the food. I thought that she doesn't know how to cook but she cooked really well. So, I said, "it's very tasty. I thought you don't know how to cook." To which she said, "I really don't know how to cook. I just followed the cooking video on youtube."

I was amazed at seeing how easily she was handling the kitchen and she continued, "Cooking once in a while is fine and also fun but I don't think it's fun to cook everyday. What do you thinking? Do you enjoy cooking everyday?" To which I said, "I hated it while I was learning but now I'm habituated to it."

As we were talking, my children came home and said, "Amma! Grandmother said that you were searching for us." I was excited to see them but I was also annoyed as they didn't inform me while leaving the house and didn't talk to them.

They tried to talk to me but I said, "Don't talk to me. You guys went out without informing me. Did you guys forget that we were supposed to play carroms today." To which they said, "Amma! We wanted to play carroms with you but dad said that you would be very busy today and said that we shouldn't disturb you and asked us to go out and play with our friends."

Understanding that they were not at fault, I followed them to their room and showed them the mobile and said, "Your father gave this." To which they were excited and said, "We can watch videos, movies and also play games on your mobile. Dad always scolds us for using his mobile. Amma! You wouldn't stop us from using mobile right!"

I felt bad for my kids as I know how strict their father can be sometimes and said, "Why would I stop you guys. You could do whatever you want."

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