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Meenakashi's POV

I was hesitant to inform them about Janaki aunt's proposal but as soon as my aunt went to kitchen, I followed her to the kitchen and informed her about Janaki aunt's proposal. I believed that the alliance can strengthen the bond between both families and also that my situation in my in-law's home would get better.

My aunt felt happy that I was taking interest in searching alliances for brother. She asked me about their family to which I informed her about everything that I knew. She said that she wanted to see a photo of Bhavana to which I said that I would show her later.

My aunt requested my husband to stay with us as I would feel lonely after my husband goes to the college to which my husband agreed. We all had our dinner together and it looked like my brothers and husband got close to each other. I felt jealous seeing their bond. His family never gave me so much importance even after 20 years of our marriage but my family treats him like he was the most important person in the room. Maybe it's one of the perks of being a man and a son in-law. I felt very annoyed seeing that my brothers talking to him like they knew each other from years.

In the night, I informed my husband about the alliance. But my husband didn't look pleased at all and said, "Why do you want to get involved in other's lives? Did you guys even ask if your brother is interested in all these? Do you know what he wants? He is not at all interested in marriage at all." I didn't know what to answer as I never thought about my brother's opinion.

We both didn't talk after my husband scolded me. I knew that it was my mistake but still I didn't want to talk to my husband. I was trying to sleep when my husband's mobile was continuously ringing, my husband answered the call and went out of the bedroom.

I thought that it was some random call but after few minutes, my husband came back to the room and gave me the phone. I spoke to my children on the video call. I was worried seeing them crying and they asked me to come back. My children were never away from me. My in-laws informed me that they didn't eat anything from the morning and were insisting on seeing me. My husband promised them that they would meet me the next day which made them stop crying. They had their dinner and went to sleep after my husband insisted them.

I felt guilty for happily enjoying while my children were crying for me. My husband informed that my brother in-law would bring my children to Hyderabad but I'm not leaving to our home and when I asked him about my children's education he said, "They are just primary school kids and are not studying medicine or engineering that they can't miss classes for few days."

I felt happy listening to my husband as I can meet my children the next day and happily closed my eyes to sleep. But my husband said, "You never looked this happy to meet me or never got affected by my absence." I opened my eyes listening to my husband and turned to face him. I didn't understand what he was saying and gave him a confused look.

Seeing my confused look my husband pulled me towards him which instantly made me blush and tried to get out of his hold but he was very stronger than me and didn't let me out of his arms  Seeing me struggle, he asked me not to move and said, "Who do you like the most in the world?"

I didn't know why my husband asked the question all of a sudden but I immediately said, "Our children". My husband smiled at me and said "You know, our children would grow old and leave us alone. They only give importance to us now because they need us. They would become so busy with their families that they would totally forget us."

He said, everything to disturb my sleep and closed his eyes. I felt worried knowing what I would do without my children. It was terrifying to imagine my life without my children's love and attention. I tried to sleep but sleep was far away from me.

I thought my husband was asleep but he once again started saying, "You know this is the reason, a person should love his or her life partner more than anyone in the world including their children."

Listening to him, I wanted to ask him, if he does the same but I didn't have the guts to ask him the question. I suddenly felt very angry knowing that my husband doesn't like me and also felt insecure knowing that my children's priorities are going to change in the future.

I felt very frustrated and was not able to sleep but my husband happily slept like a baby causing me to feel very jealous. I wanted to disturb him and not let him sleep. But I didn't know how to disturb him and when it's past midnight suddenly an idea struck me.

I turned alarm on my mobile for every five minutes and kept the mobile in a cupboard. I also sneakly took my husband's mobile phone which was on a table and tried to use the phone but it was locked. So, I swiped my husband's finger on the mobile and unlocked it. I quickly turned on the alarm for every ten minutes and kept the mobile in another cupboard and covered myself fully with the blanket and waited for the alarm to ring.

In the next few minutes, I heard the alarm ringing and saw my husband searching for the alarm which made me unintentionally laugh loud which caught my husband's attention. Seeing my husband seeing me, I tried to give him an innocent smile but I knew that I was caught.

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