1601 - 1610

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1601. Waste brings woe, and sorrow hates despair.

-Robert Greene

1602. If we meditate in a dream sufficiently long and thoroughly, if we carry it around with us and turn it over and over, something almost always comes of it.

1603. Anger comes from an overblown sense of self-importance.

1604. Anger gets attention.

1605. Fill your subconscious mind with expectations of the best experiences and emotions and your thoughts will become a reality

1606. On a career level, I always advise people to look ahead and be open to changes in direction. That job that seems so good now can easily turn into a nightmare if you do not see the possible corners it can land you in.

-Robert Greene

1607. Generally, you should never forget what a person says to you when angry because that is when the truth finally comes out.

1609. When you get angry, your options narrow.

-Robert Greene

1610. When you have a specific dream or goal, consciously repeat this statement :'I believe that the power of the subconscious , which gave me this desire , will embody it in me now.

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