1281 - 1290

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1281. there is one great teacher in this world it is failure.

1282. Mutual respect for each other's company plus a good knowledge of each other's quirks, likes and dislikes, is good for the marriage. Spouses who are friends try harder to make repair attempts during a spat.

1283. The four characteristics of humanism are curiosity, a free mind, belief in good taste, and belief in the human race.

-E. M. Forster

1284. Not having any friends can be dangerous to your health.Lonely people listen up! Having zero friends is as bad for your health as smoking or being overweight.

1285. Truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candour.

-Tom Hanks

1286. Our best friends are pretty much like us.It's right for most cases - you and your friend share the same social identity for your other friends and social circle.

1287. The human eye uses the eyebrow as an anchor point for the rest of the face. This is why a woman can look truly stunning without any makeup but perfectly shaped, full eyebrows.

-Anastasia Soare

1288. We naturally feel tired at two different times of the day: about 2:00 AM and 2:00 PM. It is this natural dip in alertness that is primarily responsible for the post-lunch dip.

1289. Remember: Not every friendship is going to be a "friends forever" type of relationship; sometimes, it is about "friends of convenience" and those we need most in a situation. And if things grow less convenient, and that individual isn't available in the way that he or she once used to be, that's actually quite all right.

1290. Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.

-Karl Marx

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