Enemy 3

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Blinking her eyes.
Pacita has never been in a school before.
Not even one that is held in the orphanage.

"Duchess, hide your hair."

"I know." Pacita is wearing a wig. Its the same hair color of her past life. Wavy brown hair that reaches to her thigh.
Its always been hard to maintain her hair.
But her hair always make her body looks sexier and thinner that is why she never care about the trouble.
Now she feels that this wig is extremely heavy.

Ms. Leila and Pacita are going to the orphanage.
Ms. Leila is teaching children how to write and read. Mito said she can tag along incognito.

Pacita agrees because she is bored and also because she wants to learn how to read and write. If she tags along. She would learn with the children without anyone knowing. She is a genius!

The guards of the Irevelis family dont know why the Duke doesnt want the Duchess to know that they are following. She is the duchess so ofcourse they need to protect her.

Ms.Leila sighs.
If something happened to the Duchess, The Duke and the Young Master will surely hanged her.
But for the children, she take this weird task of letting tbe Duchess tag along.

"Good morning Ms. Leila."

"Good morning Kids. Today we have Ms. Magda to help me."

"Hello Children. Im Ms. Magda."
Pacita flashes her beautiful smile.

Lots of the children watches hee intently.

"You look so beautiful." One girl said.

"Oh. Yes I am.Thank you." Pacita smiles.

"Okay. Thats enough. Dont make Ms.Magda uncomfortable."

"Yes Ms.Leila." they all said and went back to their seats.

"Where should I seat?" Pacita asks.

"Umm... How about you seat with Amelia at the back. She is a quiet child so she wont disturb you."

"Okay." Pacita happily gets her pen and paper and sat next to Amelia.

Amelia is a small chubby girl with red hair. She had long two braids and a bangs.
Her face are covered with small and large pimples. And her front teeth are huge and separated.

Pacita paused for a moment before she sat next to her.

Amelia looks at her sneakily and avoid hee elbow to touch Pacita's skin. But the chair is too small for the two of them to leave that much space.

Amelia is only one butt sitting in the chair.

"Im not dirty." Pacita whispers.

Amelia eyes widen.
"I know."

"Then why are you scooting so far? You are almost falling." Pacita whispers.

"If you touch my skin youll get pimples too."

"Is that how it works?" Pacita moves away.

Amelia shakes her head.
"Its not but the last that seat next to me suddenly had a pimple when she accidentally touch me so I....I dont know."

Pacita blinks. She knows how important appearance is to someone. Some people says they dont look in someone appearances but that isnt really true.
Atleast you need to have a plain face so nobody will think badly of you. If you have pimples, people always get disgusted despite also having it from time to time.

"I know a way to remove pimples. But you will only be eating fruits and vegetables in moderation. To be beautiful, you need to work hard. Beauty is hard work."

"I can be beautiful?"

"If you want." Pacita rolls her eyes. "But like I said, its hard work."

"I want to have friends and for others to stop avoiding me."

"No no. You dont get friends with beauty. You only get self confidence. But alteast you will have self confidence to make friends."

"......whats is it for you then?"

Pacita smiles and shows the paper.
"Teach me how to write and read."




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