Pacita's Secret 3

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Pacita's Secret 3

Mito's P.O.V


Amadeus came into my room.
I thought he would not part ways with his mother.
He is so sticky with her that I don't even know if he is still my son. Though his face doesn't show his emotion his action speaks louder.

"Tomorrow you and your friends will go back. Study hard."

Amadeus nods.

"If you want to say something, say it." I look at the papers on my desk and start writing.

"Are you really going to allow mother to go out?"

I paused and put the pen down
"Can I hide her forever? She needs to attend some parties. Don't worry for the first time, I will be sure to accompany her."

Amadeus frowns.
"Her…..will she be fine?"

I understand his worry.
We allow her two friends to stay in our mansion so we can find out what will Magdaline's behavior.
And like we expected. She acts just the same.
She is adorable but that is not something she should show to other people.
She even makes careless bed jokes in front of the children.

She is so different from the woman I married.
That cold, detached and lifeless woman.
Though I don't like her, she is elegant and her words are finely selected.
She is a noble born after all.

I don't know how she switched but after having intimate contact with her. I already checked that this is the same woman's body. But the difference in attitude and personality are not the same.

Amadeus and I conclude that she is a commoner born.
I tested her a lot of times.

I allow her not to get out until I understand her circumstances.

"It'll be easy if she confessed. We can hire a tutor for her."
My lips twitch.

Amadeus nods.
Magdaline is mysterious. Though she is very easy to understand sometimes. She is also hard to understand.

"It'll be hard to find her if she can jump from person to person." Amadeus grits his teeth.

I sigh.
It's not like you will easily think the person beside you is a different person.
I found out one day when Magdaline uses a body cream on her hair as if she doesn't read the bottle's name.
It started from that. I realized that she is very against meeting her relatives. Though her incident started from her family, she is not really their target. But she is very scared of them. When I found out the truth about her misunderstanding toward the poison incident, I didn't corrected her
 Amadeus also finds out and he also starts thinking about her weird behaviors.

For now all we know is that..Pacita is a commoner born and she likes wine.


I stood up and looked at Amadeus.


"Remember the first place Magdaline went when she goes out?"

Amadeus eyes shakes.
".......a commoner's grave."

".....she was trembling when I arrived. She screams and panics asking me to get her out of that place."

".....Mother's gra…" he doesn't want to say it. He grits his teeth and they are both thinking the same thing.

Dun dun dun dun.


Merry xmas and happy new year ^_^)//
Thanks for the five people that vote this story in my little story voting in my profile page(is that what it's called? Idk hahaha)
Anyways chuuu.
5 votes, 5 chapters.

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