Chapter 37.75

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It was a cold rainy day when Adelaide's body was lowered into the ground.

Those that loved her, had gathered, so that even in her last moments she would not be alone.

Never alone again.

As they sobbed and wailed at the life that was ripped away from them.

Out of their hands...

The end..

Just kidding!!!!! Chapter starts now!!

Holding your hands 'cause your hands getting colder
Tears fill my eyes as your word's growing bolder
Pride in your eyes when you say not to worry
Holding your hands in mine
What, what happens now?
Just like you rob me of the rest of my life
What, what matters now?
Tell me the truth will disappear
If I'm holding your hands, please don't get any colder

"So that's all you need to know. Any questions?" The doctor ended his rigorous list for Lainy to recuperate at home. It was a damn long list with medications and an amount of hours for physical therapy.
"Yes. Is she permitted to fly out as soon as possible? We want her to recover back in Miami, it's where she would be most comfortable." I asked, knowing we would move her as soon as she was cleared.
"I don't see why not. Make sure she is on the right doses of the pain and sleeping medication so that she wouldn't feel too much during the flight and make sure to contact doctors when you land so that they know how to proceed further. They can contact me for her full evaluation so you don't need to rehash the story."

Adrian and Marcus had already gone back to Miami on Rebecca's request to make sure everything would be in order. Lainy would only have to stay in a hotel room for maybe a night before flying out and Lem was already packing all of Lainy's things together with mom and Aquila. This way she would never have to step into that house again. Not that she would ever want that.
We all shook the doctor's hand and thanked him for his good services with Lainy when an alarm went off.


The doctor and I immediately moved when we heard the call. Room 204 was Lainy's room. The oncall nurse was already there and had made the call. She was holding Lainy's wrist and I couldn't move. Her blood had been flowing down from her wrist, it had been punctured or cut, but why? Why did I keep losing her? No matter how hard we fought we kept losing her. It didn't take me long to know who was behind it, as both my father and my brother were standing at the side of the room.

"Everybody out! Now!" The doctor yelled out and I immediately moved. Noah and dad declined to move until I grabbed both of them harshly and dragged them out of the room.
I needed to calm down before I asked them any questions. They were not allowed to be here. They were not allowed to be alone with her. So why?

"What. Happened?!" I questioned them.
"I don't know, we were talking and the next the machine went off and the nurse came in." Noah stuttered out.
"Why are you here? I had explicitly told you, you were not allowed to see her, so why?"
"I have every right to see my daughter!" My father almost yelled.
Noah was silent, shocked at what happened.

"No! No you don't. There is a reason I said you were not allowed. I wanted to prevent THIS!"
"I wanted to prevent her from any more pain and here you are, trying to what? Apologise? Try to make her forgive Adaline? Is that it?"
"No, of course it isn't. She is my daughter and she is in the hospital. She is hurt and I wanted to hear from her what happened!" My father roared out.
"Was what I said not enough dad? Had I not informed you what happened? Why would you let her relive it all? She hasn't even told us what happened. We were informed to not bring it up, because of something like this possibly happening! So why would you do this?"
"I don't know... I just wanted my daughter to..." he muttered.
"What? Wanted your daughter to, what?"

"You wanted her to acquit Adaline, didn't you?" Robèrt spoke up. My father looked at him.
"And who are you?"
"I am someone who has spent time with your daughter in the same place she was held at. She risked her own life to save me, so I owe her everything I have. Now as a father, you are looking for a way out for our daughter, aren't you? You want her to tell you it wasn't your precious daughter that did this to her own sister, her own blood, am I right?"

"I am here because of her! She is my daughter, they both are. But maybe Adelaide made a mistake. She accused her own sister of something so vile, I just can't understand it... I–" My father sighed out, he was at his wits end. But had Adaline not done exactly that and you said nothing of it.

"You don't know me and I have not met any of your family but these two amazing boys. Which means I am a neutral party and I was there with Adelaide for a period. I do know that there was one woman that visited Adelaide. The young lady had straight blond hair which was up in a ponytail most of the days." Ricardo took a deep breath in.

"She had dark blue eyes and I saw that she wore a... I think it was a white golden necklace. She was about the same height as Adelaide, does that description match your daughter?"
Ricardo sled down the wall as he slowly nodded his head.
"Your daughter was not only there but participated in hurting Adelaide. You have loved a child too much and the other too little. Now you must own up to the faults you have made and correct them."
Robèrt stopped talking and simply hugged his own daughter tightly.
And with that we all waited.

It wasn't long till the doctor came out of the room again. He took a deep breath before he spoke.
"She is currently asleep and has not lost too much blood, thanks to Nurse Silvia who acted very fast. It seems that Adelaide had taken her IV needle and punctured the vein in her wrist which we were able to close back up. We have put her to sleep so she will not wake up in shock. She is back on suicide watch. Does anyone have any clue as to what happened? Her recovery was going so well."

"Some people were able to enter her room, people who were on the list that were not allowed to currently contact her because of her current predicament." I spoke up while looking at my father and Noah.
"And if I lose my little sister because of this, you will be assured I will never talk to either of you again." I turned my back to them and entered Lainy's room, I sat down next to her and waited once again for her to wake up.

Love, Sarah

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