Chapter 2.5

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After days of bus transport and overnights at motels, Adelaide finally made it to her destination. Miami.

If she was going to start over, it would be somewhere where no one could possibly recognise her.

First thing she had to do was find a motel or a hostel with a private room, so she could see the damages of her wounds, dress them, and get some well deserved rest for a few days before looking for a more permanent place to stay. There was only one big problem. No matter how mature she had become with her brain, her body still lacked maturity as was natural. So she decided to contact a few places via email. Pretending to book a room for a niece who got stranded in Miami because she missed her bus and would have to stay for a bit.

Eventually that worked. She got a hotel room that was a little bigger than standard pictures were and she found a drugstore close by.

After making sure that she was yet again not being followed, she went up to her room. Everyday made it easier for her to breathe.

Mending her wounds and calling room service, she made herself comfortable on the bed that was way too big for her small body.

She spent the remainder of that week in her hotel room. Eating, resting, healing. She was able to rent a laptop from the desk in the lobby and went searching for apartments. After finding one that she found more than suited for herself and paying the down payment, she immediately knew she needed furniture delivered. After researching the internet on what was normal to have in a home, she started exploring. A bed, a couch, a table, a TV.

By the beginning of her second week she moved into her new house. She was only there for a few hours before she met Aubrey Sinclair together with her mother, Rebecca Sinclair. Her new next door neighbour.

"Welcome to the building sweetheart. We are your neighbours. My name is Rebecca and this is my daughter Aubrey. What is your name sweetheart?"

Someone was asking her name. Why? No one was ever interested in her. She was not her sister.

"Au.. Aurora." She stuttered. Adelaide was scared. Scared they would see through her lies. Call her mother. Send her back.

"Imma call you North!" Aubrey exclaimed. Adelaide looked at her confused.

"My name is Aurora not North. I'm not a direction!"

"No, silly! Aurora means the northern lights. Which with your beautiful eyes make sense since those are 2 different colours. So northern lights, North for short! It's nice to adopt a new friend!" Aubrey seemingly proud of her explanation.

Adelaide was frozen. In a state of shock. She didn't understand, couldn't comprehend. Within minutes of meeting this girl, she got a nickname that was an abbreviation of what her name actually corresponded with, but she also got 'adopted'?? As a friend? This girl was weird, but Adelaide became her friend. Aubrey became Adelaide's first friend.

So Adelaide did the only thing she could think of.

Smile awkwardly, before closing the door in front of their faces.

Sliding down the door Adelaide tried to breathe through her slight panic attack.

She would persevereWhere stories live. Discover now