Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Peter felt sick to his stomach. He was in a police car, on his way to the police station because May lost custody of him. He couldn't stop thinking about what the police officer told him only a few moments ago. 

Apparently Mr. Stark made the call claiming that May was neglecting him and he was endangered.

But all that was far from the truth! They all knew that she was busy making money FOR him and his wellbeing!

Mr. Stark is also getting custody of him? And what was up with the broken glass? How did Mr. Stark know that there would be broken glass all over his bedroom floor? 

He shook those thoughts from his head when the car pulled up to the police station. Peter climbed out the car with what little belongings he had. He wanted to run back to Aunt May, but he had to find out why Mr. Stark did what he did. The police officer escorted him into the building and led him to a door labeled "Family Affairs."

Peter gulped when he saw the door. This seemed a little more permanent than he initially thought. The door opened to reveal a balding man in a suit, sitting behind a desk and Mr. Stark sitting opposite him. 

Mr. Stark looked to be signing papers. 

The man in question looked up when the door opened, a big smile adorning his face. "Kid! Good, you're here. I'm almost done, then we can go home."

Peter's head was spinning. Home? 

He said "You got Aunt May released!? Thank you Mr. Stark!"

Tony's face morphed into a small smile and he said "No, bud. You're coming to live with me, remember?"

Peter was upset now. "No! I want to live with May! She is not neglecting me or endangering me! All of this is just one huge mess! Yeah she works long hours, but it's usually when I'm in school or sleeping, so I still see her. And the broken glass, something broke right before the police came to the door. We were also supposed to go grocery shopping together later"

Peter hoped his explanation would help, but the adults in the room just brushed it off.

One of the officers said "Mr. Parker, we already investigated everything you said, and Mr. Stark's story checks out. Your aunt needs to have provided a better home environment for you, have more food, and be present in your life."

Peter was so annoyed! Why wouldn't they listen?!

Then Peter turned to Tony. "Mr. Stark! Why would you call the police on May!? You know how hard she works! And you know how much she loves me! She would never put me in danger."

Tony said "Peter, you are becoming hysterical. I know you love your aunt, but she cannot provide for you! You are only 14 and need more supervision than what she was providing. As for the glass, there's no way to prove your claim, the police saw what they saw. And the food? She should've gone sooner"

Peter exploded "She couldn't go, she was working!!!!"

Just then, Peter realized he wasn't helping the case at all. 

The police officer raised his eyebrow and said "Exactly"

All Peter could do was cross his arms defiantly and say "I do not need more supervision. What I had with May was fine."

Tony raised his eyebrow and said "It was not fine. You are only 14 and you were allowed to roam around the city at all hours with no repercussions because she wasn't there. Unsafe. That all changes right now. You will be under my supervision and I think you'll come to find that nothing flies under my radar.

Peter scoffed "I never went out that late and roamed the city like you think!"

Tony pulled out his Starkphone and had FRIDAY pull up a video of Peter walking on the street, coming home from being Spider-man at 2 am. Thankfully he was wearing regular clothes and not his suit. 

Peter's jaw dropped. He knew he couldn't even argue that video, and Tony knew this.

Suddenly, the balding man from behind the desk stood up and said "I think I've seen all I need to see. Mr. Stark, I hereby overturn the guardianship and grant you permission to take over permanent custody of Peter Parker. I will draw up the adoption papers. It's clear that you can take better care of the boy than May Parker could" And he quickly left the room.

Peter yelled "What?!!?! Hell no! I refuse to go with him!"

Tony folded his arms over his chest and quirked his eyebrow at the teen. "Peter. I understand you are upset, but that is no way to speak to an adult and certainly no way to speak about your father."


Peter learned that when you're as rich as Tony Stark, you could grease anyone's palm.

With this floating around his mind, Peter began to feel woozy. He also started to become desperate. When the balding man, whose name was Mr. Gross, came back into the room, Peter began to beg. "Please Sir! Please don't take me away from my aunt! Things will be better! I won't go out past 11 pm anymore. Please!"

The men in the room ignored him as they signed the papers and Peter couldn't do a thing. 

Mr. Gross finally turned to Tony, shook his hand and said "Congratulations Mr. Stark."

With the smirk on his face, the man turned to Peter and said "Congratulations. This is in your best interest, Peter Anthony Stark" 

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