Blind to All

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Here's a good question. When you watch the sun rise, are you supposed to stare directly into the light or look around? If your answer is anything besides staring into the sun, you should probably tell Jason who had been either staring at the far away star or looking at his personal sunshine. 

It wasn't until he was flying them off the roof that Jason realized his mistake. Not being able to adjust his eyesight as fast as they descended, both boys ended up crashing to the floor.

"Damn Superman," Leo groaned. "What happened to not letting me fall?"

"Sorry. I was just blinded by your radiance," Jason smiled.

Leo flipped him off as he staggered upright, but Jason was undeterred, too happy at the banter and being called superman again. That meant that the other must be feeling at least a bit better.

"If you wanna fuck me, you can just ask," He winked, earning him a spluttering response and a very dark blush.

"Jason Grace, I swear, if you don't-" Leo cut himself off.

"If I don't what? What do you want me to do?" Jason asked, stepping closer.

The Latino's mouth gaped and Jason couldn't help but stare. It was as he was leaning in that the sound of someone clearing their voice could be heard. The boys quickly backed away from each other to see Will standing a few feet into the room, emanating awkwardness, and Nico leaning against the doorframe with a knowing smirk. 

There were a few more moments of silence in which the people in the cabin shifted awkwardly before Will finally spoke up, "So, uh, I'm here to check up Leo."

"Yeah." Jason and Leo both nodded and proceeded to shuffle around each other, Leo moving to Will and Jason moving a few feet away. He didn't notice how Nico joined at his side until he spoke.

"We knocked," he said softly.

"Jeez!" Jason jumped. "What?"

"We knocked. Before we came in."


"You guys must have been too busy to hear," Nico smirked.

"What?!" Jason shouted only to be shut up by a withering glare from Will. He winced at a small jab from the son of Hades.

"Relax. Consider it payback from when you walked in on me and Will."

Jason didn't know exactly how to respond to that, but found himself smiling, "Alright."

Their conversation ended as Will finished up with Leo.

"You've been doing much better Leo. If you're feeling up for it, I think you're good enough to go back to your own cabin. No more need for a babysitter. You've gotten a lot better. Just make sure to still keep meeting with Percy."

"That's great! I can't wait to actually have time alone," Leo laughed. "You wouldn't believe how weird it is to have to use the bathroom with someone else nearby."

There was a silence as Will and Nico shared a look and Leo thought he might gag. 

"Moving on!" he spoke quickly "So this means no more check ups?"

"Not unless you're starting to feel sick or break a leg."

Leo pumped his fist and gave a small cheer. The couple then cleared themselves out of the cabin to leave the two friends to celebrate.. or something.

The two faced each other as they were finally alone and Leo's smile slowly fell at the sad look he saw. 

"Hey," he started softly but Jason cut him off with a smile.

"You finally get to go back to your projects and all your siblings. That's so great!" Jason forced excitement.

"Yeah... I won't have to deal with your lazy ass anymore," Leo teased with a small smile. 


The silence between the two dragged on as neither of them knew what else to say. 

"It's uh.. been nice," Leo said.

"Leo!" Jason took a deep breath before all but shouting out, "I don't want to lose you!"

Leo smiled for real this time and embraced the man he had been spending the past weeks with. There was a lot said in that one sentence, the fear of losing the closeness that had developed, the desire to keep the other near, the unspoken 'I love you.' Though he wouldn't read that much into it. He took it as another meaning. One that said, "I care."

Although he hadn't gotten a verbal response, he took the hug as reciprocation and hugged back tightly. "You can always come over, anytime, if you wanna get away from your siblings or need a breather or.. miss me.."

Leo laughed a little.

"Me? Miss you? After all this misery being stuck together with you?" He hugged tighter as he finished seriously, "Yeah."

The two stayed together for a several minutes longer before splitting. Jason helped Leo gather up his things and move them back to Cabin Nine. Once the cabin realized that Leo was back, they began to celebrate. Rather loudly.

Jason took it as his moment to leave and quietly slipped away.

Wandering around the camp, he didn't pay much attention to where he was walked and ended up walking directly into a trap. One he probably should have expected. Too late, he noticed he had walked in the secluded garden that he and Piper had used to frequent. 

The garden was mostly kept a secret for couples to spend romantic time or to just hook up in. The Aphrodite cabin, of course, had control over it and with Piper being head of the Cabin, she had often reserved the garden for the two of them.

There was the sound of rustling behind him and, almost as if his thoughts had summoned her, Piper emerged from the foliage.

"Remember how much fun we had in here?" she asked as she dragged her fingers along an ivy leaf. 

Jason knew better than to answer that. But there was something about being back in this place and with Piper too, he could feel something in the back of his mind turn fuzzy as he found his voice come out despite himself.

"Yeah," he heard himself say.

"We could have than fun again," she whispered in his ear and the fuzziness seemed to spread, coating over his mind and taking with it all reason.

'This isn't going to end well.'

A/n: HEEHEHEHEHE hello my loves!!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! 

Isn't the bromance just blossoming so well? The silent I love you. Will they ever actually say it and will the other understand what kind of love it is?

And what is happening with Piper? 

the world may never know.

Or yknow.. itll take a month to know

hehe well! stay safe my loves!

Wolf out!!

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