A Step In A Direction

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     When the boys had finished eating, they parted ways with Leo tugging on Jason's sleeve incessantly. Once he had heard that he could start on projects again, he could hardly think of anything else and now that they were finally heading out, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. Getting Jason on board was the first step. If tugging wasn't going to be enough, he was ready to use puppy dog eyes at 100% power. In the end, there was no need. Jason gave in with a smile letting the smaller boy tug him towards the Hephaestus cabin. 

     Cabin Nine had never been Jason's favorite place. It was always loud, the sounds being heard from outside the cabin. The inside looked how the outside sounded, loud and messy. It was filled with random tools and half finished projects scattered around. It was a wonder how anyone got anything finished in this environment. 

     "We don't do much work in here," Leo said suddenly as if reading Jason's mind, "These are just the projects we get stuck on, we take them in here and we sleep on them or keep it next to the bed. That way we can work on them in our dreams."

     The look on Jason's face was priceless. Apparently sleeping with half finished projects wasn't a well known solution to problem solving.

     "So, what are we here for anyways, if you don't do your work here?" Jason asked, choosing not to comment on the very weird tradition this cabin had.

    "I've got to grab a few things. I've been tossing around a lot of ideas on what to work on and I have the perfect project! And before you ask-" Leo gave a pointed look at Jason who's mouth snapped shut, silencing what would have been his interruption  "-No, this isn't a big project." He finished.

    Jason waited a few moments, making sure it was okay for him to speak now. He didn't know what it was about today and saying the wrong this to people. At least in this case he hadn't actually spoken yet. 

    "Alright. I just don't want you to push yourself too hard, okay?" he said softly. There was quiet concern in his voice. The concern couldn't dampen the mechanics excitement at finally being able to work on his crafts again. 

    Leo nodded.

   "I promise I won't push myself."

   Jason didn't seem satisfied with that answer.

   'I'd like at least a hug though.'

   'Maybe a kiss...'

   'I-I mean like-'



   'Friends can kiss!'

   'Do they?'

   "Well?" Leo asked, suddenly standing in front of Jason and waiting expectantly.

    Jason's face flushed as he gaped at the other. Was he really asking for what Jason thought he was? 

     Were they going to... 

    "W-We're friends!" Jason cried out as he backed up.

    Leo made a face. "Uhhh, thanks? I asked if you were ready to go."

    "Yeah! Yes, of course!"

    He was still making a face, but shrugged it off as he toted the son of Jupiter to their next destination.

    With all the pieces acquired, the two boys were now sitting in the Zeus' cabin. Jason sat on the couch and watched as Leo sat on the floor, his fingers flying over the pieces, assembling, twisting, working. It was mesmerizing watching how the younger boy worked and the blonde almost made a sound of disappointment when they stopped. What stopped him was the look on the others face. The way those once confident fingers suddenly hesitated as if scared to make another move.

   "Jase?" Leo's voice was soft and as hesitant as his hands, "What do you think is the most painful feeling?"

   The question came as a surprise, most likely due to how it was asked, and at first the blonde didn't know how to respond. 

   "Being stabbed isn't that great of a feeling," he confessed with a small chuckle. He had a feeling that Leo hadn't meant for the question to be answered that way, but the smaller boy didn't express any disappointment in the response. Instead, he looked up thoughtfully before giving a small nod.

   "I think loneliness might be the most painful.. when you're truly alone. You can't cure it with people. You could be surrounded by fifty people and be just as alone as if you were by yourself..." he looked down at his hands and continued speaking, but more to himself, "Sometimes I think it's better off that I'm alone.. there's no one to hurt, besides myself."

   Jason didn't know how he should react to this. He slid off the couch and sat beside Leo, but looked up at the ceiling. 

    "You're not alone though. Not anymore. No matter what happens, I'll be here for you. I promise."

    There wasn't a response and, for a minute, Jason thought he said the wrong thing. Then he heard a sniffle and realized that Leo was crying. He didn't waste anymore time before he wrapped the smaller boy up in a hug and held onto him tightly. Leo held onto him just as tight as he cried into the blonde's chest. 

    They stayed like that until the sobs turned into small sniffles and finally quieted down completely. Nothing more was said as Jason looked down and found the Latino sleeping peacefully. He gently scooped him up and laid down on the couch, keeping Leo on him.

   'I promise you won't ever have to feel lonely again.' 

   'I'm always gonna be here for you.'




HAHAHAHA I hope you all enjoy this!

Wolf out!

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