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"Fear makes us feel our humanity." -- Benjamin Disraeli

++ C H A P T E R | T H I R T Y - Ø N E ++

"I think you need to get your priorities straight."

Kenzie lounged on the couch in her house, looking at Elliott with a smile on her lips. When she ran into the confused girl, she invited Elliott over to her house. It was a change in scenery for Elliott, but Kenzie was growing on her.

Elliott threw her head in her hands, clearly distressed. "My priorities are keeping my brothers safe. They come before everything. Always."

Kenzie pulled her purple hair back into a ponytail and blew out a sigh. She'd never met such a selfless person before, and it was throwing her for a loop.

"Think of yourself for once, Elliott. This is your life. Yes, your brothers are very important, but are they more important than you? No. You've done all you can for them. You've taken them out of a toxic environment. You've given them a great foster mother. Mat and Adrian are, from what you've said, improving. Now it's time to just focus on you."

Elliott studied Kenzie for a moment, trying to read her. Kenzie was nothing like Elliott - she was confident and so sure of herself. There was nothing Kenzie said that didn't make sense, but still. Elliott was afraid and nervous.

Elliott needed control.

"There isn't time for me, though. Mother is here, and she's tormenting me! She's tormenting people who talk to me! I just can't handle this, this stress."

And it was true - Elliott was stressing herself out. People knew of her gender. People knew her secrets. It was all coming out, now.

A door slammed shut in the house, making Elliott nearly jump in fright. She could hear the telltale clicking of heels on the floor, and then a woman appeared in the doorway of the den. She was tall and thin, her auburn hair pulled up in a tight bun. The black, business casual dress she wore told Elliott she'd just come home from work, probably.

"Kenzie, you didn't tell me we were having a guest." After a pregnant pause, the woman turned towards Elliott with a smile that screamed Business Friendly. "Hi, I'm Kelly. Kenzie's mother."

Elliott was under the impression that the woman didn't want her there, but Elliott had no intentions of leaving quite yet. Talking to Kenzie had grown almost addicting since the short time she'd been around the new girl. Elliott had never really befriended a girl, except for Natasha, and while usually the female gender caused fear to ignite in Elliott's bones, Kenzie had the opposite effect.

Interesting. Very interesting indeed.

"Hello, Kelly. I'm Elliott."

Kelly rose her eyebrows, then looked at Kenzie. "Kenzie, we've talked about inviting boys into the house while I'm not here, correct?"

The brisk tone of voice made Elliott look down to her lap, awkward. Kenzie's mother wasn't happy, that was clear, and Elliott itched to suddenly leave. That's right, you're not a girl. You'll always just be a guy.

"Mother," Kenzie's smile was fake, almost vicious. "You're mistaken. Elliott is a girl, and she has feelings, which you've hurt. You've always taught me that we can't be rude to our guests."

The look of sheer horror passed Kelly's face, but she tried to mask it well as she turned back towards Elliott, a look of surprise evident in her eyes. "Girl. Right. Sorry, it's just that your name, and your appearance say otherwise. I apologize."

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